GRID Autosport NEFS reimport

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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GRID Autosport NEFS reimport

Post by grid_racer »

Hi all,

I used QuickBMS tool to extract NEFS files from GRID Autosport and it works perfectly.

I have trouble reimporting files back to NEFS archive, I followed instructions but I always gets an error I dont really understand.

Can someone please help me with this, I am not skilled with scripts at all? I can provide NEFS archive if someone is willing to take a look.

Thank you!
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Re: GRID Autosport NEFS reimport

Post by aluigi »

In theory the script should be able to work in reimport mode, quickbms will just tell you that reimporting from memory_files is experimental.
But in any case, just because the files are splitted in chunks, the reimport will be a mess.