South Park Phone Destroyer (Encrypted files from CDN)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
Posts: 865
Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:41 am

South Park Phone Destroyer (Encrypted files from CDN)

Post by LolHacksRule »

In the latest update (or some other update) upon looking at the downloaded game assets, everything else can be opened fine without any problems after making them readable to extractor tools but it appears all text files uploaded in the "config" and "localization" assetbundle files were base64'ed with a header of DCry (DragonfireCrypto?) and encrypted. Can someone crack the encryption so at least reading the localization files is possible? Should be a csv as the base game did not encrypt it. Thanks. Really curious in what this game has to offer in them, preferably the localization files...

This thread mentioned the assetbundles: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11490
Posts: 865
Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:41 am

Re: South Park Phone Destroyer (Encrypted files from CDN)

Post by LolHacksRule »

Appears to be encrypted with a mix of base64'ed RSA and AES keys, according to the main assembly. I decoded them here.

Code: Select all

RSA (Public, RASPublicKey): MIG

(source: <RSAKeyValue><Modulus>iBs</Modulus><Exponent>EQ==</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>)

AES (AESKey): v70

Next time don't encrypt your localization files. To prevent cheaters from having these keys, I removed the majority of characters. If you do NOT plan to cheat at the game, throw me a DM for the full keys. Despite having these keys, I cannot decrypt these files or figure out a convenient way to do so... Any advice?