One of the options in SCUMMtr is to export hexadecimal char codes, which seems like the most likely candidate to convert into readable text, but it looks like there's still a bunch of garbage characters in there that I can't figure out what to do with (e.g. {, n, I).
Here's the first 10 lines of the SOMI text dump in English, with matching Japanese text transcribed from the game as reference:
Code: Select all
jungle : ジャングル
rowboat and oars : ボートとオール
jungle : ジャングル
jungle : ジャングル
jungle : ジャングル
It's a gross old bottle.\255\003I don't want it. : 薄汚れた古いガラスびんだ。\255\003こんな物いらない。
bottle : ガラスびん
note : メモ
Herman Toothrot : ハーマン・トゥースロット
There's a message in it! : 中に手紙が入ってる!
The corresponding Japanese hexadecimal codes exported by SCUMMtr:
Code: Select all
I've attached the exported hex code dumps from both games, and a sample file comparing the first 10 lines of the SOMI text dump using SCUMMtr's other export options, if they can help. MI2's other dumps are pretty much identical to SOMI's, except for some reason it kept generating UTF-16 text files instead of ANSI when that option was used.
Is it possible to get a properly encoded Japanese text dump out of this, or is SCUMMtr just not the right tool for the job?