Discord servers of communities and contributors

Do you know a tool, link or website for working on a specific game files or to help game research? Let's collect them here!
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Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by aluigi »

I'm starting this topic just to have a repository for the Discord servers of big communities and top contributors of the modding scene.

Feel free to post more resources BUT please:
  • post only real and proved servers of real communities and researchers
  • only public and free discords
  • no new channels with few members (aka "no spam")
  • provide the official website, current number of members and a copy&paste of the rules (use the quote tag)

Let's start with some of them:

Current members: over 3400
Website: https://forum.xentax.com
Discord announcement: https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=18952
Current rules:
Server Rules: @everyone
1. No spamming in any channels.
3. Do NOT post NSFW content
3. Do NOT discriminate against anyone or their beliefs.
4. Posts which discuss or contain anything illegal will be removed and a ban issued to all users involved.
5. Swearing is allowed this does not mean you can swear at users or staff, doing so will get yourself a ban. In a jokey context it's fine.
6. Do NOT advertise other discord servers. If there's a subject you wish to discuss, ask an Admin and they may add a channel.
7. Do not bad-mouth anyone who is not on this server. This is a server NOT a place for you to *SPAM*!
8. Try to stay on topic in channels. Though we understand that certain subjects May extend into others we want to keep all channels focused with the correct content.
9. Do not request specific game assets, this is not the place for it. Keep this server strictly about the process of reverse engineering.
10. XeNTaX forum rules also apply here so you should take the time to read those too.
Members of Staff reserve the right to detain (jail), ban any users who violate these rules or anyone who acts inappropriately.

1. @Administrator - Server Admin (Can Ban, Kick, Jail users).
2. @Moderator - Server Moderator (Can Kick, Jail users).
3. @Member - Member of the server, this is automatically granted upon joining.
4. @Muted - This member is in Jail and can no longer post in any channels or view them.
5. @Bot - Server bots with tons of cool features.
Server Creation Date: September 22nd 2018

if you're asking about a specific format, unless it's a standard format (BMP, WAV, etc.), include what game or program it's from
this is because a given extension can be used for any number of unrelated formats, so if you just say the extension, no one will know what you're talking about

please do not DM or tag/ping mods/admins directly, unless it's urgent or if given permission directly. If you have questions, post them in the server - that's what it's for. we read most messages in the server so there's no need to make our phones buzz by tagging us.

Discussion on extracting models from websites where 3D models are sold, such as Sketchfab, is not allowed on this server or on the forum

just a reminder please do not private message people to randomly ask for work. Just post in a normal channel and if someone is interested they will reach out to you.

DYKG / VG Resource
Current members: over 2400
Website: https://www.vg-resource.com
Discord announcement: https://www.vg-resource.com/thread-28660.html
Current rules:
Welcome to the official Discord server for DidYouKnowGaming? (along with VGFacts) and the VG Resource (along with the rest of the Resource sites)!
All of our community rules apply here as well but as a quick reference, here are a few important ones:
1. Be friendly and respect one another. Debate is fine, arguments and flaming are not.
2. Stay safe for work for the most part. Swearing is allowed in moderation but not encouraged. Nothing illegal (including, but in no way limited to, ROM links and files), pornographic/overly sexual, or hateful will be tolerated in any channel though.
3. Limit spam to #spamhaul and keep the rest of the channels available for active discussion.
4. Randomly advertising another server/site/channel/etc. (regardless if you own it or not) is not permitted.
5. Listen to the staff. They're here to help but they're also here to keep things running well. If you have a genuine problem with any staff member, please report it to the Admins.
6. Do not link to any full copyrighted item. Providing sample files is fine - providing download links for full games is not.
7. Requests for content are only allowed on the VG Resource forum in the appropriate section (https://www.vg-resource.com/forum-131.html). Do not ask people to rip/do/make/etc. things for you in the chat channels here. .

Current members: over 200
Website: https://atom0s.com/
Current rules:
1. Please speak English. I do not speak other languages, so please try and speak English here. Using Google Translate is fine. You don't have to speak native or perfect English.
2. No racism, sexism, homophobic/bigoted or similar comments.
3. No violence, hate speech, terroristic speech, threats or related content at all.
4. No bickering, fighting, flaming or harassing.
5. No spamming. If you have a question, ask it once in the proper channel. Don't post it in multiple places.
6. No cracks, keygens, warez, etc. None, at all. This is not a place to get/share/distribute cracks or warez.
7. No virus, trojan, malware, or similar allowed. This is not a skiddy hangout.
8. No *SPAM* or other sexual content. (Meme related things should be in the #memes-nsfw channel.)
9. No backseat administration/moderation please. If you have an issue with something, report it to me privately.
10. No selling/advertisements please.
11. Please act mature. Memes and jokes should be in the meme channel. Otherwise keep it to yourself or go post elsewhere.

Reddit: Retrodevelopment and reverse-engineering on Discord list
https://www.reddit.com/r/REGames/commen ... eering_on/
Another list mainly focused on retro gaming.
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:04 pm

Re: Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by LooneyTunerIan »

We need a ZenHax Discord Server.
Posts: 1383
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Re: Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by Ekey »

LooneyTunerIan wrote:We need a ZenHax Discord Server.

No sense
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Re: Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by LooneyTunerIan »

We have a ZenHax Forum, so why not a ZenHax Discord Server?
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Re: Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by aluigi »

Because ZenHAX is not a place for chatting.

Here the users make requests and other users provide help and solutions.
It's very simple.

Who has skills usually has very limited amount of time (and desire), it can't be wasted in real-time chats with arguments and discussions.
Indeed even the rules of the discord servers I mentioned in the first post usually tell the users to post their requests on the relative forums, also because the posted information remain there forever and get indexed and cached by search engines.

I would never run or endorse any zenhax discord/chat/messaging because:
- I have no time and desire (I don't like chats and social networks for just messaging)
- already exist huge discord servers like Xentax and VG with over 6k users (if I'm a new user I would join their discord)
- the target of the forum is analyzing formats and provide help and solutions (the forum is perfect for this task)
- the forum is already open to anyone, indexed and cached

That's it ;)

Anyway I don't like off-topic discussions so PLEASE let's end this chat here.
This topic is ONLY for adding new discord resources of big communities involved in analysis, modding and reverse engineering of game-related content.
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Re: Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by LooneyTunerIan »

Well, I do happen to have one Discord Server that can be added, but...

This Forum makes all of my links targeted as spam.

Just look at what it did to my Invite Link to the *SPAM* Discord Server: https://*SPAM*
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Re: Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by atom0s »

Thanks for the shoutout to my Discord. One thing I will say though, I do not take requests. So if people are joining on Discord from this site, please don't pm me requesting me to unpack things or similar. You are free to ask for help in the general channel of my server, but pm's will be ignored and you will probably be blocked/kicked from the server.
DJ Normality
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Re: Discord servers of communities and contributors

Post by DJ Normality »

3D Model and Reverse Engineering Discord