Chinese Game "Fengbao"

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
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Chinese Game "Fengbao"

Post by Exmex »


I'm trying to import the models from this game named "fengbao" into 3dsmax. I have written an MAXScript to import it but I'm failing at the indices / faces and vertices part.


Code: Select all

fn readStr binstr strLen = --reads a fixed-size string
   str = ""
   for w=1 to strLen do(str += (bit.intasChar(readByte binstr #unsigned)))
   return str

fn clamp minVal maxVal val =
   if val < minVal then val = minVal
   else if val > maxVal then val = maxVal
   return val

binfile = fopen "C:\\aoshan_bingshan.mesh" "rb"

version = readLong binfile
print version

subMeshNum = readLong binfile

fseek binfile 72 #seek_cur

subMeshNum = 1
for i = 0 to subMeshNum - 1 do(
   smNameLen = readLong binfile #unsigned
   smName = readStr binfile smNameLen
   mtrlLen = readLong binfile #unsigned
   mtrlPath = readStr binfile mtrlLen
   m_isUseNormal = (readByte binfile == 1)
   m_isUseVertexColor = (readByte binfile == 1)   
   m_isUseLightmapUV = (readByte binfile == 1)
   m_isUseTangentBinormal = (readByte binfile == 1)
   lightmapResolution = readLong binfile
   lightmapResolution = clamp 8 12 lightmapResolution
   fseek binfile 72 #seek_cur
   vertCount = readLong binfile #unsigned
   vertices = #()
   for x = 0 to vertCount by 3 do (
      f1 = readByte binfile
      f3 = readByte binfile
      f2 = readByte binfile
      append vertices ([f1,f2,f3])
   --readLong binfile #unsigned
   faceCount = readLong binfile #unsigned
   idxBuffSize = faceCount
   indices = #()
   for x = 0 to idxBuffSize by 3 do (
      f1 = readByte binfile
      f3 = readByte binfile
      f2 = readByte binfile
       append indices ([f1, f2, f3])
   -- AABB
   vMinX = readFloat binfile
   vMinY = readFloat binfile
   vMinZ = readFloat binfile
   vMaxX = readFloat binfile
   vMaxY = readFloat binfile
   vMaxZ = readFloat binfile
    submesh = mesh vertices:vertices faces:indices

I have no clue if the reading part of the indices and vertices is correct. If anything else is needed I'll supply everything thats needed. I have just barebone knowledge how vertices and indices work in this game they use vertex strides.

I've figured out that the vertex stride size is 48. Reading 4 floats for vertices does give some better output like so:

Code: Select all

   for j = 0 to vertCount by 4 do (
      x = readFloat binfile
      y = readFloat binfile
      z = readFloat binfile
      unknown = readFloat binfile
      append vertices ([x,y,z])

But messes up the indices...
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:38 pm

Re: Chinese Game "Fengbao"

Post by pgw00k »

Maybe you should post the game's Chinese name or some sample file to there?