Worms Ultimate Mayhem (.lub, compiled .lua files)

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Worms Ultimate Mayhem (.lub, compiled .lua files)

Post by Xiron »

What are .lub files? .lub files are .lua files compiled using LuaC. Specifically, this tool which was found in the folder of the previous 3D game in the series, Worms 4 Mayhem. (the previous game had files kept as unconverted lua though):

Now, I've went and searched and there is indeed a program out there called LuaDec that reverses compiled .lua (aka .lub) files, but it doesn't unfortunately, work for Worms' files.

Using the converter from 4 Mayhem and the files from it, I've taken the liberty of converting some of the .lua files to .lub files, and finding the exact identical counterpart in Ultimate Mayhem using file compare to make sure they are identical. The before and after conversion files are in the attachment, as well as a couple more misc .lub files to be examined.