Code: Select all
//--- 010 Editor v10.0.2 Binary Template
// File: Paper Mario Sticker Star *.BIN
// Authors: LolHacksRule
// Version: 1
// Purpose: Deserializing
// Category: Binary Game Scripting
// File Mask: KMSR/KDMR
// ID Bytes: KMSR/KDMR
// History:
char metadataHeader[16]; //KMSR KDMR only has 12
char unk1[4]; //This should go up by 1?
char unk2[4]; //This should go up by 1?
char unk3[4]; //This should go up by 1?
char unk4[4]; //This should go up by 1?
char unk5[4]; //This should go up by 1?
char unk6[4]; //This should go up by 1?
//Eventually the file ends with 09000000 01000000 or 01000000 01000000 idk (KMSR)
//Eventually the file ends with 00000000 00000000 (KDMR)