Nifskope Batching

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
DJ Normality
Posts: 647
Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:52 am

Nifskope Batching

Post by DJ Normality »

I've been trying to find a way to batch .NIF files more quickly. I seen that Nifskope is the #1 program for converting these days but there really isn't a way to batch files. Each .NIF has to be opened then saved. On top of that Nifskope does seem to remember the name of the opened file. So you are left changing the export name for every file opened.
I found away around most of this. I wrote this simple .bat and it seems to open the files one right after another.

@echo off
for %%a in (*.nif) do (nifskope.exe "%%a" )
return 1

As soon as I close the program it will load the next .NIF. I seen this was the fastest way to keep opening .NIF files automatically. As for the naming issue. What I did was went to my .NIF folder and did a CTR+ALT+RightMouseButton to "Copy as link". Then pasted that into notepad.
I opened the pasted .txt file in a spreadsheet to better organize the files. I chose the A-Z option and then saved the file. I used notepad to cut out everything but the file name and extension. Then renamed the extension to .OBJ since thats all Nifskope can export. So now when I click on my .bat file. All I have to do is copy the name and paste it on export. I found this to be the fastest way to tackle thousands of .NIF files at a time. Until someone can make something better this is the fastest way I found.
Nifskope Batching ... sp=sharing
I'm not very good at this writing scripts or .bat files but this does save me alot of time and hope it helps save time for someone else.