The Last of Us 2 tool. Currently it can get all models with skeletons & textures. Video with example model:
There are 2 special switches for skeleton export: /r - reparent helper bones. Helper bones are originally parented to other helper bones, and the whole helper set is then driven by famous naughty dog physics system. This option reparents them based on bone names, so this is incorrect way and thus not supported option. I dont guarantee that it will work any good so use this on your own risk. /rs - only extract skeletons, and skip all other assets in PAK file, which is useful for skeleton preparing before anim conversion. Its called "rs" because it scans for skeletons, but also reparents helpers.
Tool posted. General usage is the same as my previous uncharted 4 tool. I will try to compile a new usage help as soon as possible. For animations, you also just have to drop animation PAK file onto the tool.