Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
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Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by Darko »

Hi Guys, I'm wondering if someone can take a look to this game files:

More info here: ... 3&start=15

There's a tool to get the models but it's not complete, you can get only static meshes.
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by Darko »

I guess no one is interested in this game.
DJ Normality
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by DJ Normality »

The files you provided only hold texture data.
DJ Normality
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by DJ Normality »

Sorry. I looked at the wrong files. Heres what I found.
No UV's yet but im sure they are there just below the vertex data.
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by Darko »

Lol Thanks.
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by SockNastre »

Hey! Cool to see some people interested in this game, I am making a tool that is dedicated to modding the game and modifying the game files you can check it out below.

I haven't done too much research into the models, I've gotten as far as DJ has and identified a few patterns on where certain things are located like submeshes and certain offsets but that's it. For the tool's completion model importation and exportation are planned assuming they can be figured out in good time. Anyway I just came here to link the tool and if anyone is interested in using the tool or assisting with it's development then there is details on that GitHub page that can help you get into contact with me. It would be very nice to talk with others interested in this game. :)
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by Szkaradek123 »

Here is a blend file for import models from spk files.
It requires to install Blender version 249b (32 bit) and Python 2.6.6.(32 bit).
Doubleclick file "Blender249.blend" and in Text Window press alt+p to run script.
Select file with *.spk and press import.
Script import geometry, uv, weights for vertex and bones.

Need help with bone mapping.

Problem with bone mapping:
- vertex group "40" should be "103"

I found section with this numbers:

Code: Select all

12408 21 0
    0 120
    1 3
    2 4
    3 5
    4 6
    5 41
    6 42
    7 43
    8 44
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    20 103
12492 37 0
    0 7
    1 8
    2 9
    3 10
    4 83
    5 81
    6 82
    7 84
    8 85
    9 86
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    34 119
    35 39
    36 40
12640 10 0
    0 86
    1 87
    2 88
    3 89
    4 90
    5 91
    6 92
    7 93
    8 94
    9 95
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by Darko »

when I tried to import yoruichi model, I had this message:


In any case, I'm uploading all the character files:

Also when I tried to import rukia o mugetsu files, where wwas some missing parts:


DJ Normality
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by DJ Normality »

Man.. how did you make that script ?
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by Szkaradek123 »

"Man.. how did you make that script ?"

If you seen a complex file format the best is making a text file with unpacked binary values , the best decimal not hex.
Unpack a 1000 bytes as float , integer or short integer or else and watch, what repeat. Try to find a number repeated items or size of repeated section. It is very funny stuff of course if you have time.

" some missing parts:"

Here is a next version of importer :
1.You can import textured models but first select files with "...Img.spk" to extract images.
2.You can choice what can you import- all meshes or main. Meshes are grouped by a skeleton. Not all meshes have uv mapping.
3.Bone mapping is too hard. How it is working , dont know. I give up.
DJ Normality
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by DJ Normality »

Nice research man. Really. Thanks for looking into this.
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by SockNastre »

nice job! :D Seems I'll have a lot of catching up to do to get as far as you guys on the meshes haha
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Re: Bleach Soul Ignition/Sou resurrection

Post by akderebur »

I have posted a tool for this not long ago. Supports models and animations :