Shin Megami Tensei: Nine (XBOX) translation project by MrRichard999

How to translate the files of a game
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Shin Megami Tensei: Nine (XBOX) translation project by MrRichard999

Post by Xeraser »

MrRichard999 asked me to help translating SMT Nine for the Xbox after I helped with Touge-R.
By the looks of it he managed to translate the text and get it to work in-game just fine however the game's latin alphabet on the game's fonts is way too big and so it overflows outside and past the text boxes. Scaling it down doesn't produce good results in the slightest. On top of that, the kerning is awful. I had a long think about it and I came to the conclusion that even if we were to scale down the font it wouldn't make any difference since the game probably loads a character every xy pixels (seems to be inconsistent between latin alphabet, japanese characters and symbols)

There IS a .tbl file called "sysfont.tbl" and while I have no experience with these files my best guess is that it might contain the parameters that tell the game how big each character is on the fonts image.

I've attached it to this post, please help if you know any way to open it.

Edit: well, I feel dumb. Opening that file in a hex editor reveals that it's a shift-jis character set. Could that help in any way? It seems to match the order the characters appear in on the font images..