Reimport .rcc file is not working with reimport

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Reimport .rcc file is not working with reimport

Post by devman »


I really loved this tool, i was need something to unpack a .rcc file, and quickbms works fine for it, but when i was try import it again with $ quickbms.exe -G -w -r its not work for repack it to .rcc again with my content changed.

I have tried under windows and after compiled it on Debian, from the source, but not have success with that feature, i have tried use reimport 2 too.

I have used the script `` for it, for unpack and reimport.

Could someone give me a clue here?

If need:
The folder is(compacted into an zip, but the name is fonts): ... sp=sharing

need be reimported as name : `graphics_resources.rcc`

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Re: Reimport .rcc file is not working with reimport

Post by aluigi »

I guess exists an official resource rebuilder for Qt.

Anyway the command-line for reimporting is the following (I'm sure you are using it correctly):
quickbms -w -r -r graphics_resources.rcc fonts

I don't see any problem in reimport mode with the script, maybe just the OFFSET field which is read from an array and "may" not be correctly rewritten during reimporting.
But in theory it should work since I tested it months ago.

Do you have a specific error coming from quickbms or you see invalid content when you re-extract the files from the edited archive?
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Re: Reimport .rcc file is not working with reimport

Post by devman »


I just cannot execute the bin :

root@igora:/home/igora/Downloads/VAI# . quickbms -w -r -r graphics_resources.rcc fonts
bash: .: quickbms: cannot execute bin file

i have tried:
./quickbms -w -r -r graphics_resources.rcc fonts
. quickbms -w -r -r graphics_resources.rcc fonts

files on folder:
root@igora:/home/igora/Downloads/VAI# ls -la | awk {'print $9'} | egrep ^[a-Z]

i am using debian buster, i have use it on windows, but it not work on GUI or cmd.

Who can share a bin of 0.10.1 version?

Thanks luigi, for quick asnwer! :D
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Re: Reimport .rcc file is not working with reimport

Post by aluigi »

If you are using the bin files provided on the website (as it looks you are doing), remember to set them as executable:

Code: Select all

chmod +x quickbms
chmod +x quickbms_4gb_files

Now it should work.

In the first post you said you compiled it from the source.

Ah, never use root :)
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Re: Reimport .rcc file is not working with reimport

Post by devman »

Hello Aluigi,

Really thanks, and about my mistake with permissions really sorry.

The thing that are happening on windows are happening on linux:

Code: Select all

root@igora:/home/igora/Downloads/VAI# ./quickbms -w -r -r graphics_resources.rcc fonts

QuickBMS generic files extractor and reimporter 0.10.1
by Luigi Auriemma
        (Oct 20 2019 - 17:06:32)

                    ZenHAX Forum
                     @zenhax @quickbms  Twitter & Scripts

- alternative REIMPORT2 mode enabled!
  - remember to select the SAME script, file and folder you selected during
    the previous extraction
  - it's highly suggested to leave only the edited files in the folder, it's
    faster and less prone to errors with compressed files

- open input file /home/igora/Downloads/VAI/graphics_resources.rcc
- open script
- set output folder fonts

  offset   filesize   filename
- 0 files reimported in 0 seconds
- 714 files or logs left original, not available in the folder
  coverage file 0     1%   54692      3500218    . offset 0033de72

Look the changes are not happening:

Code: Select all

First check in modifications(Modificação):
root@igora:/home/igora/Downloads/VAI# stat graphics_resources.rcc
    Arquivo: graphics_resources.rcc
    Tamanho: 3500218      Blocos: 6840       bloco de E/S: 4096   arquivo comum
Dispositivo: 808h/2056d   Inode: 12719863    Links: 1
     Acesso: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/   igora)   Gid: ( 1000/   igora)
     Acesso: 2020-07-08 18:03:31.934982071 -0300
Modificação: 2020-07-07 20:10:49.104637640 -0300
  Alteração: 2020-07-08 18:07:25.003808546 -0300
    Criação: -
root@igora:/home/igora/Downloads/VAI# date
qua jul  8 18:07:35 -03 2020

root@igora:/home/igora/Downloads/VAI# ./quickbms -w -r -r graphics_resources.rcc fonts

QuickBMS generic files extractor and reimporter 0.10.1
by Luigi Auriemma
        (Oct 20 2019 - 17:06:32)

                    ZenHAX Forum
                     @zenhax @quickbms  Twitter & Scripts

- alternative REIMPORT2 mode enabled!
  - remember to select the SAME script, file and folder you selected during
    the previous extraction
  - it's highly suggested to leave only the edited files in the folder, it's
    faster and less prone to errors with compressed files

- open input file /home/igora/Downloads/VAI/graphics_resources.rcc
- open script
- set output folder fonts

  offset   filesize   filename
- 0 files reimported in 0 seconds
- 714 files or logs left original, not available in the folder
  coverage file 0     1%   54692      3500218    . offset 0033de72

time stamp after it not change in Modificação that means Modification:
root@igora:/home/igora/Downloads/VAI# stat graphics_resources.rcc
    Arquivo: graphics_resources.rcc
    Tamanho: 3500218      Blocos: 6840       bloco de E/S: 4096   arquivo comum
Dispositivo: 808h/2056d   Inode: 12719863    Links: 1
     Acesso: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/   igora)   Gid: ( 1000/   igora)
     Acesso: 2020-07-08 18:07:41.536336296 -0300
Modificação: 2020-07-07 20:10:49.104637640 -0300
  Alteração: 2020-07-08 18:07:25.003808546 -0300
    Criação: -

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Posts: 12984
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:32 pm

Re: Reimport .rcc file is not working with reimport

Post by aluigi »

Are you using the SAME arguments you used during extraction?

They must be the same or reimporting will not work.
Probably in your case you have to replace fonts with . because I guess "fonts" was inside the archive.