Jeremy McGrath Supercross World (PS2) STM Audio files

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Jeremy McGrath Supercross World (PS2) STM Audio files

Post by mtik333 »


I couldn't find any thread related to this game, at least the PS2 release. There are some STM files which seem to quite strange - maybe raw data?

I haven't figured it yet via Audacity. VGMStream within Foobar didn't help, BMS script for one game with STM files too. These files were found by simply "mounting" BIN/CCD image and exploring "Audio" directory. Here is archive with two STM files (too big to be attached here):

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Re: Jeremy McGrath Supercross World (PS2) STM Audio files

Post by Nameless »

Seems like some non-native to PS2 format. No header, but interleaving seems to be 128 bytes. No other way to guess its nature other than disassembling game's ELF or rather IRX modules, good luck wasting time on that. This is not the first time I see Acclaim did weird shit with the audio, though.
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Re: Jeremy McGrath Supercross World (PS2) STM Audio files

Post by mtik333 »

Nameless wrote:Seems like some non-native to PS2 format. No header, but interleaving seems to be 128 bytes. No other way to guess its nature other than disassembling game's ELF or rather IRX modules, good luck wasting time on that. This is not the first time I see Acclaim did weird shit with the audio, though.

Well, not a very interesting perspective to disassemble stuff like that. I'll try to investigate GameCube version, maybe they did something more simple in storing audio data.

AKLM_AMM.IRX file contains some comment about Acclaim Audio Manager v1.23.000 but I guess no one outside Acclaim have seen this.
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Re: Jeremy McGrath Supercross World (PS2) STM Audio files

Post by BloodRaynare »

Here's a TXTH script for playing these files correctly with vgmstream-compatible players such as foobar2000

Code: Select all

codec = DVI_IMA
sample_rate = 48000
channels = 2
interleave = 0x80
num_samples = data_size

Save it as .STM.TXTH and put it in the same directory as the STM files
Explanation about TXTH
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Re: Jeremy McGrath Supercross World (PS2) STM Audio files

Post by mtik333 »

BloodRaynare wrote:Here's a TXTH script for playing these files correctly with vgmstream-compatible players such as foobar2000

Code: Select all

codec = DVI_IMA
sample_rate = 48000
channels = 2
interleave = 0x80
num_samples = data_size

Save it as .STM.TXTH and put it in the same directory as the STM files
Explanation about TXTH

Thanks a lot, I used instructions you provided and I successfully converted STM files to MP3.