ETS2 another format file extraction

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:57 pm

ETS2 another format file extraction

Post by joey »

I can't extract this file using script

Code: Select all

  offset   filesize   filename
  00012ce3 393        00000000.dat

Error: the compressed zlib/deflate input is wrong or incomplete (-5)
Info:  algorithm   1
       offset      00012ce3
       input size  0x000000ce 206
       output size 0x00000189 393
       result      0xffffffff -1

Error: the uncompressed data (-1) is bigger than the allocated buffer (393)
       It usually means that data is not compressed or uses another algorithm

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
  30  clog "" OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE ... lU6-dnZN9w
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Re: ETS2 another format file extraction

Post by aluigi »

Uhmmm no, it works perfectly:

Code: Select all

- 782 files found in 2 seconds
  coverage file 0    99%   13017845   13021921   . offset 000071c0