Saving skeleton without mesh from UE4 game

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
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Saving skeleton without mesh from UE4 game

Post by floxay »

I have a "model" which does not have a mesh only a skeleton and I have no idea how to export it in a format which I can later open in for example Blender.

Do you guys have any idea how to do this?

Edit: I managed to serialize the uexp and uasset files of the skeleton, now every bone has it's rotation and other values

Code: Select all

   "rotation": {
      "x": -0.02200039,
      "y": -0.92349243,
      "z": 0.009121282,
      "w": 0.38287663
    "translation": {
      "x": -4.518637e-17,
      "y": 2.3959422,
      "z": 4.5245463e-17
   "scale_3d": {
      "x": 1,
      "y": 1,
      "z": 1