Extracting some wav files from a db file...

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Extracting some wav files from a db file...

Post by sinopa »

Hello, everyone.

I come here seeking for help since I've seen some wonders happening here for some years now. Really, good job guys.

I may come with a problem with a presumably simple solution, since I just don't have any knowledge or expertise on the domain, halas...

This is not from a video game. But this is the only place in the web I have thought to post, and it took me quite a long time to do since every time I did not know if it was the right place to post.

Anyway, forgive my mistake if so, I'm a little tubby in this domain.

I may need some help recovering files from a .db database... It seems to be simple to someone a little bit experienced but for me it's been hours of tryhard for nothing.. for the moment.

I read this form reddit :

N4K4MI, from reddit wrote:If you open the .db files in notepad++ The start contains a list of the files, the offset into the file where they are and their size.

so more likley than not using a bit of trial and error you could just extract them using a hex editor.

best bet would be to get someone to code a script that could automate the process.

Edit: as xml files seem to be included in plaintext throughout the file it really just looks like all the files have been concatenated together with no sort of additional obfuscation. you just need to work out where to split the file to retrieve the original wavs (the offsets listed don't seem to take into account the directory info at the start of the file, so the first thing to do would be to work out how much of that there is, add that number to the offset, and then it should be really simple to split things up)

When trying to open the .db with DB Browser for SQLite, it tells me that the db is protected by SQLCipher.

I found a tool in the web, but I am simply unable to compile it... haha I'm a total noob. In the instructions the command prompts follow a linux syntax. I'm on WIN7.

I read from a guy on reddit that an Hex editor could make it, because the files seem to be concatenated, chained from one to another without any offuscation.

I tried my best, but just imagine the first time you opened a Hex editor to cut right from one offset to another. All I got was white noise.

Those info I got is because this same guy had the idea to open the .db file with notepad++, what I did. You obtain a list of files (unencrypted part I guess) :

Code: Select all

<DIR name="1. Scatter">
<DIR name="Airy">
<FILE name="Hyper Brush Wiggle 1.wav" offset="0" size="660686"/>
<FILE name="Hyper Brush Wiggle 2.wav" offset="660686" size="782036"/>
<FILE name="Noise Growl.wav" offset="1442722" size="538208"/>
<FILE name="Noise Machine.wav" offset="1980930" size="793844"/>
<FILE name="Water On Flames.wav" offset="2774774" size="793844"/>
<DIR name="Bouncers">
<FILE name="Carton Bow 1.wav" offset="3568618" size="476000"/>
<FILE name="Carton Bow 2.wav" offset="4044618" size="420344"/>
<FILE name="Coin Dropper.wav" offset="4464962" size="240914"/>
<FILE name="Tube Grate Bounce 1.wav" offset="4705876" size="160052"/>...

Anyway I hope someone give some interest in my request, and yes, I would love to help more, I've got some more info, just tell me.

I don't need or expect someone to work for me, except if it is really simple and just rapid to execute.

Otherwise, I just need some help, enlightenment and instructions, paths to search to get a little more autonomous.

Anyway thank you for the read.

Here is a link to the .db file : https://www15.zippyshare.com/v/oNx7ItO9/file.html

Thank you again for the read.

edit : zippy seems dead, here's an other link : https://we.tl/t-eyA7BSon7X