Angry Birds Trilogy (Wii/Wii U) MIP header in texture files

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Angry Birds Trilogy (Wii/Wii U) MIP header in texture files

Post by LolHacksRule »

I was trying to crack the custom format Rovio/Housemarque/Funlabs used for textures, unfortunately I didn't crack the texture files entirely yet but I tried my best for their header.

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ABTrilogy Raw Texture MIP header (20bytes [Wii], 1C bytes [Wii U]):
4bytes: 4D495068 (MIPh [MIP Header?])
4bytes: Bytesize of texture data [20 bytes AFTER the GCT header/160 AFTER the WUT header] Big Endian) 00 replaces bytes in small files
2bytes: Unknown value 1
2bytes: Unknown value 2, same as unknown value 1
2bytes: 0
2bytes: 40 (Wii), C0, (Wii U), texture offset
2bytes: 0
2bytes: Texture width
2bytes: 0
2bytes: Texture height
2bytes: 01
2bytes: Unknown (Only present on Wii, used in big files, filesize?)
2/4bytes: 0, end of header (Wii uses 4, U uses 2)

If you want samples, check viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13658 for Wii and viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12605 for Wii U.