Fatman Adventures / Shoot-n-Roll sprites (.tad)

Textures, recreate headers, conversions, algorithms and parsing of image files
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Fatman Adventures / Shoot-n-Roll sprites (.tad)

Post by BuIlDaLiBlE »

So I have these really old almost forgotten platformer games from the beginning of 00s that have barely any useful google search results, the developers are also long gone but I used to play these games in my childhood so I thought I'd try remaking them on modern systems as mechanics don't seem really hard to recreate, so I took a look at the files. Everything went smooth until I encountered the sprites... the format the game uses for its graphics are obscure .tad files with A8R8G8B8, R8G8B8B8 or R8G8B8 as headers I guess? I think it's some kind of raw 8-bit image data but I have no idea how to convert that to a useable format, if anyone here has any idea I'll be forever grateful!

UPD: figured it out: used PVRTexTool
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Re: Fatman Adventures / Shoot-n-Roll sprites (.tad)

Post by Acewell »

here is Noesis python script to open your samples. :D

supports rgb888 and argb8888