Dekotora Matsuri LZ compression

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Dekotora Matsuri LZ compression

Post by Machinedramon »

Hello there, i'd like to ask if anyone can help me decompressing the binaries for Dekotora matsuri for the Wii, from few cues that i have been told it looks like some kind of lempel ziv compression, i have both a compressed and decompressed file(extracted from the ram, problem is whole binaries are gbs in size and the emulator doesnt unpack them all at once)

if anyone can help me with which precise comp method i'be thankfull!

further information, also add the Header of the file, present in both the unpacked and packed files, this file corresponds to b000000.brres, as seen, it does have both sizes for packed and unpacked... but still lacking the proper decomp method(as for a wii game, i opened it in dolphin, it seems to allocate the rendered files into the RAM decompressed)