C.O.P. The Recruit (NDS ROM) - Binary audio

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C.O.P. The Recruit (NDS ROM) - Binary audio

Post by mtik333 »


As far as I know, most of NDS Roms have some let's say straightforward audio that can be extracted using some tools like VGMToolbox or even ROM2SF, that then can be played using foobar2000.

For this game, it seems that the audio is stored somehow different. In the rom content, there are some binary audio files (named "musique") which seem to have no header or anything helpful.

I tried using both VGMToolbox and ROM2SF. For first, I got simply nothing. Second produced 2SF file that cannot be played at all.

I also tried to import raw data into Audacity few times with changing some options, but results were rather disgusting with lot of cracking sound and strange noises.

So my question is - can anyone help me with these files please? I know I should do more research on my own (especially when there's a tutorial on 2SF stuff and obtaining it from NDS games by some reverse engineering), but maybe there's someone here who wants to play with these files.

I'm not sure if I can provide link to ROM of this game, so I'll just add archive file with BIN audio, though it might not help a lot here.

In worst case, I'll try to come back to this topic at some point and provide info once I get good results, maybe.

Best regards.