How to turn on subscription in the save file? [Gordon Ramsay Dash]

Reading, editing and everything related to the files created by games to contain savegames and configurations
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Joined: Fri Mar 06, 2020 4:44 am

How to turn on subscription in the save file? [Gordon Ramsay Dash]

Post by doantuankhoi »

Hi, I'm currently editing the game Gordon Ramsay Dash's save file ( ... ordondashx), which has this string:

Code: Select all

"subscriptions_last_known_active":   {
            "S":   "[]"

I don't know what I should write in order to enable subscription from the game since writing the timestamp alone couldn't solve it. Here's the game lib folder ( ... cXUjr_0hsA) which has the file which might contain the info needed. I can't understand assembly code so it's really a big trouble in order to archive a game that has stopped developing a long time ago. Please help me out so I can turn on those subscription-exclusive avatar items. Thanks!
P. S. Here's the game full folder: ... yB_RBO2wDB
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Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 9:20 am

Re: How to turn on subscription in the save file? [Gordon Ramsay Dash]

Post by TyraNoah »

I also can't figure out what to write in order to enable subscription.
please help