Hardware: Online Arena (PS2) (*.MIB/*.MIH)

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Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:23 pm

Hardware: Online Arena (PS2) (*.MIB/*.MIH)

Post by BrokenRollerCoaster »

Link to some of the files: https://mega.nz/#F!GAIyVTqA!lLZCI1cm6UzYqZqaFSOrYQ

These are .MIB files that usually play when the .MIH (Header) file is present with it, except these files are not playable at all. GENHing them is also hard since the interleave is usually random and found inside the .MIH file.

If it helps, here's what the .MIH file looks like inside a hex editor:
It shows an empty file. Usual .MIH files show some data when viewed inside a hex editor.

Can somebody help me?
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:23 pm

Re: Hardware: Online Arena (PS2) (*.MIB/*.MIH)

Post by BrokenRollerCoaster »

Er, never mind. I figured out how to make the files playable.