[Help] What kind of encryption is this?

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:15 am

[Help] What kind of encryption is this?

Post by lamjed001 »

FileName : neox.xml

I wan't to decrypt this file from Creative Destruction
Game Engine : NeoX Engine (NetEase)

Code: Select all

]      Group MergeSprite audio client cocosui filesystem filesystems loader log module modules ppg3d pygame python render rsync uis world >Algorithm AudioPath CSM_Debug ConstantPhysicsDeltaTime Depth DumpPath DumpType DynamicDPBatching EffectCacheBehavior Enable EnableBatchOptimize EnableCSM EnableDepthShadow EnableLogFile EnableOpenWorldLod EnablePhysicsThread EnableShadowMap EnableVegetation Enabled File FileName FileSystem FixedLogicRate Format_PC GpuParticle GpuSkinningEnable HardwareInstancing LimitDisplayRate LoadSeparateAlphaFile LogLevel MaxNumPools MultiSample Name OldFileName OneLightOptimize PCFixedLogicRate PackingTextureLimit Passing PixelDecal Regex ResourceRoot SSshadow ShaderInstancing ShowDumpDlg ShowLogWindow TextureAtlasConfig TextureSize TextureSuffix ThreadEnable TtfFontMax UseClassifiedVertexPool UseD3D9 UseHeightFieldTerrainShape UsePhysx UseTextureAtlas VSync WindowClientHeight WindowClientWidth depth name opener root ý      

False    False False #False (.\res +False ,False 8î  96   False     False     True True True     "True )True -texture_atlas\altas_config.xml /.dds 2True 3True 6False 7False     False  wwise     False False True True False True True &False *False 4False 5True  0True    
True False    1<    %WORKDIR%\log.txt !%WORKDIR%\log_old\log_old_%ROTATE%.txt  python.dll  Python  collision.dll  Collision  detour.dll  Detour    ;res  ;script  True  %False  %True  :    ;indexed_discrete <sys =%DOC_DIR%\res  :   ;npk <sys =%DOC_DIR%\res  :   ;npk <sys =%WORK_DIR%\res  :    ;discrete <sys =%DOC_DIR%\res  :    ;discrete <sys =%WORK_DIR%\res  :   ;zip <sys =%DOC_DIR%\zip  :    ;discrete <sys =%DOC_DIR%\script  :    ;npk <sys =%DOC_DIR%\script  :    ;npk <sys =%WORK_DIR%\script   Lines_Generic RGBA  icon $   '.*ui1/icon/item/.* .     Lines_Generic RGBA  lobby_icon $   '.*ui1/lobby/icon/.* .   

But alse i have decrypted version but from other game it's CyberHunter
Game Engine : NeoX Engine (NetEase)

Code: Select all

         Name      = 'Audio'
         File      = 'audio.dll'
         Name      = 'Python'
         File      = 'python.dll'
         Name    = 'collision'
         File    = 'collision.dll'
      ResourceRoot      = 'res'
      DirectInput      = 'False'
      LimitDisplayRate   = 'True'
      ShowLogWindow      = 'False'
      FixedLogicRate      = 'False'
      DumpType      = '0'
      Title         = 'ZMHD'
      World         = '3d'
      FileSystem      = '5'
      WindowClientWidth = '1280'
      WindowClientHeight = '720'
      CopyXml = 'False'
      WindowAutoSize = 'True'
      CAFrameInterval = '1'
      MaxSoundCount = '32'
         <cocosui Passing = 'False'/>
         <pygame Passing = 'False'/>
      MemoryMonitor = 'True'
   <!-- <log
      Port = 50002
      DeviceSyncSpan = 100
   /> -->
      ScreenWidth      = '1024'
      ScreenHeight      = '768'
      Window         = 'True'
      Depth         = '32'
      MultiSample      = '0'
      EnableRenderThread   = 'False'
      OneLightOptimize = 'True'
      EnableShadowMap = 'True'
      EnableDepthShadow = 'True'
      EffectLevel = "shader\effect_level.xml"
      TextureSuffix = ".dds"
      EffectCacheBehavior = "31"
      UseD3D9 = "True"
      GpuSkinningEnable = 'False'
      PixelDecal = 'False'
      GpuParticle = 'False'
      MergeStaticModel = 'False'
      ModelStaticVB = 'True'
      HardwareInstancing = 'True'
      Profiler      = 'False'
      KeyCallback      = 'False'
      CountFreq      = '3'
      ThreadEnable    = 'True'
      RemoteDebug      = 'False'
      LogLevel = '50'
      LoadSeparateAlphaFile = "False"
      VBSize = '4096'
      SharedTextureSize="512" >
      <MergeSprite Enabled = "True" >
            Name = "icon"
            Algorithm = "Lines_Generic"
            TextureSize = "2048"
      <filesystem name='res'>
         <loader name='npk' opener='os' root='%DOC_DIR%\res' depth = '2'/>
         <loader name='npk' opener='os' root='%WORK_DIR%\res' depth = '2'/>
         <loader name='discrete' opener='os' root='%DOC_DIR%\res'/>         
         <loader name='discrete' opener='os' root='%WORK_DIR%\res'/>         
      <filesystem name='script'>
         <loader name='discrete' opener='os' root='%DOC_DIR%\data'/>
         <loader name='npk' opener='os' root='%DOC_DIR%\data' depth='0'/>

         <loader name='discrete' opener='os' root='%DOC_DIR%\script'/>
         <loader name='npk' opener='os' root='%DOC_DIR%\script' depth = '0'/>

         <loader name='discrete' opener='os' root='%WORK_DIR%\data'/>
         <loader name='npk' opener='os' root='%WORK_DIR%\data' depth='0'/>

         <loader name='discrete' opener='os' root='%WORK_DIR%\script'/>
         <loader name='npk' opener='os' root='%WORK_DIR%\script' depth = '0'/>