The Battle of Yu Yu Hakusho Shitou Ankoku Bujutsukai 120 (PS2)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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The Battle of Yu Yu Hakusho Shitou Ankoku Bujutsukai 120 (PS2)

Post by reh »

Some way to decompress this file?
I tried to use this script:
aluigi wrote:

Code: Select all

get FILES long
goto 0x10
savepos BASE_OFF
xmath BASE_OFF "BASE_OFF + (FILES * 16)"
for i = 0 < FILES
    get OFFSET long
    get SIZE long
    get ZERO long
    get DUMMY long  # reverse ID?
    math OFFSET + BASE_OFF
    log "" OFFSET SIZE
next i

on FILELINK.BIN, but to no avail.
I thank you for your help!
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Re: The Battle of Yu Yu Hakusho Shitou Ankoku Bujutsukai 120 (PS2)

Post by lisomn »

this is the correct script

Code: Select all

# script for QuickBMS
# by lisomn
get count long
get OFF_CHUNK_END long
goto 0x10
savepos table_off
for i = 0 < count
   goto table_off
   get off_table_offset long
   get off_table_count long
   for j = 0 < off_table_count
      goto off_table_offset
      get data_offset long
      get data_zsize long
      get zero byte
      get id long
      goto data_offset
      get data_size long
      math data_offset + 4
      math data_zsize - 4
      ComType zlib
      clog "" data_offset data_zsize data_size
      math off_table_offset + 16
   next j
   math table_off + 16
next i
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Re: The Battle of Yu Yu Hakusho Shitou Ankoku Bujutsukai 120 (PS2)

Post by aluigi »

This is my script, just in case (it's also compatible with Mizzurna):
Posts: 48
Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:09 am

Re: The Battle of Yu Yu Hakusho Shitou Ankoku Bujutsukai 120 (PS2)

Post by reh »

Thank you so much for the scripts, they worked like a charm :D