Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Xbox, Level .pak Files)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Xbox, Level .pak Files)

Post by phantaton »

I wanted to mod this game and I noticed all of the levels are stored in uncompressed bundles with the file extension of .pak. I messed around with it a little in a hex editor and it appears to follow this structure.

Location to extract to + file name - 12-24 bytes of padding depending on the file extension of the file of question - file - 12-24 more bytes of padding.

I was able to manually copy over a few files stored in the bundles but it would be more efficient if I could use a script to do so. I provided some sample files here as well as a configuration file that may or may not be helpful.

EDIT: I should have specified this but most of the levels are accompanied with segment files. Not sure if they are just the same archive but split to make disc streaming easier or if it is just the archive split into multiple files. I went ahead and also uploaded an example of the segments.
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Re: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Xbox, Level .pak Files)

Post by aluigi »

My mind tells me that I already saw this format since it's just a collection of references to strings I already saw time ago, probably same game.
No solution from my side.