My Friend Pedro

How to translate the files of a game
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat May 04, 2019 7:14 am

My Friend Pedro

Post by emre_007 »

Let me tell you from the start. Whatever I do, UnityText gets an error and some lines disappear during the scan. No matter how many topics I have opened, people who do not help much come out. I also looked at the tools for editing Swuforce such files. But it didn't work. I also put the file sample. dukan012456 and Cloud thank you for aragami shadow edition. I would be glad if you helped this game too.

FileRead($File,336) I would be glad if you teach how to determine this number. These games are all the same, but that number is changing. If there is nothing different I have not seen.
Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:20 am

Re: My Friend Pedro

Post by ducan012456 »

Here's the text exported by UnityText and scripts (autoit).
If you want to edit a script, you should understand the file structure and what script does. But you can use UnityText and setting it like in the image (in the download file), it will be easier.

These scripts based on swuforce's scripts, modified by Cloud.