i download this game's pakchunk7_s3-ps4.pak file on the internet and use UnrealPakTool to extract its content. Now I have so many EV_TOWN8_0010 EV_TOWN8_0090 FV_TOWN8_0010 FV_TOWN8_0020 ... folders, each of them has .uasset and .uexp files inside. I try to extract some .uexp via your tool and I get .csv and .off files example EV_TOWN8_0010_Character.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Character.uexp.off, EV_TOWN8_0010_Text.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Text.uexp.off, EV_TOWN8_0010_Voice.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Voice.uexp.off,... (please see the attached zip) but none of them contains readable texts (I open and see them by excel and notepad). What should I do?
Kogekko wrote:i download this game's pakchunk7_s3-ps4.pak file on the internet and use UnrealPakTool to extract its content. Now I have so many EV_TOWN8_0010 EV_TOWN8_0090 FV_TOWN8_0010 FV_TOWN8_0020 ... folders, each of them has .uasset and .uexp files inside. I try to extract some .uexp via your tool and I get .csv and .off files example EV_TOWN8_0010_Character.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Character.uexp.off, EV_TOWN8_0010_Text.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Text.uexp.off, EV_TOWN8_0010_Voice.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Voice.uexp.off,... (please see the attached zip) but none of them contains readable texts (I open and see them by excel and notepad). What should I do?
FF7 Remake has a lots of paks.If i remember right texts were in pakchunk2_s9.pak.You have to download all pkg first.
Kogekko wrote:i download this game's pakchunk7_s3-ps4.pak file on the internet and use UnrealPakTool to extract its content. Now I have so many EV_TOWN8_0010 EV_TOWN8_0090 FV_TOWN8_0010 FV_TOWN8_0020 ... folders, each of them has .uasset and .uexp files inside. I try to extract some .uexp via your tool and I get .csv and .off files example EV_TOWN8_0010_Character.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Character.uexp.off, EV_TOWN8_0010_Text.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Text.uexp.off, EV_TOWN8_0010_Voice.uexp.csv, EV_TOWN8_0010_Voice.uexp.off,... (please see the attached zip) but none of them contains readable texts (I open and see them by excel and notepad). What should I do?
FF7 Remake has a lots of paks.If i remember right texts were in pakchunk2_s9.pak.You have to download all pkg first.
OK thank you yusuf2020. I extract that pak and see plain texts. My question: which tools do you use to extract/repack .PAK and .PKG. I tried to use UE Viewer to extract .PAK but it said something like 0/0 extract and I got no file. I wonder which tools you guys usually use, Im newbie here. UnrealPakTool doesnt have interface, just run through scripts, what a pity. And do you have a method that enable/disable modded .PAK files for the game? Because if the game installed from modded .PKG doesnt work then I have to delete the game and reinstall the game via original PKG, which takes a lot of time.
Quickbms for extracting *.PAK .U4pak.py for packaging.If you want to extract *.PKG you can use a lots of tool like orbis-pub-chk, liborbispkg, Patch builder (I think this is best one for packaging). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1EmHMgSfdM this video will help you for modding PS4 games.
yusuf2020 wrote:I do not have PS4 by the way. I do not know how to enable modded PKG.
OK thanks yusuf2020. Im downloading those tools and trying to use them. By the way, do you know where are the fonts (dialogue font, in-game system font,...) in the .pkg? Which .pak? I need to edit those fonts since my language alphabet has characters that english alphabet doesnt have.
yusuf2020 wrote:I do not know.If you find *.ufont file you can edit it by renaming it to *.ttf.It is not uexp.
Hi. I tried build new patch pkg using original pakchunk2_s9.pak. The game run well. But, I tried to extract pakchunk2_s9.pak (via quickbms), I have folders and files, I didnt edit any of them, then repack them via u4pak.py of panzi. The game stuck at first image screen. So I think the problem is u4pak.py, the game doesnt accept pak that creating from it. This is download link of pakchunk2_s9.pak : https://www.mediafire.com/file/27y5wzak ... 4.pak/file Any idea, everyone?