FIFA MOBILE 14 - REIMPORTING Kits (teams uniforms)

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FIFA MOBILE 14 - REIMPORTING Kits (teams uniforms)

Post by luiscarlosapeu »

Good evening. Forgive my writing, because I'm Brazilian.
I am interested in remodeling the Fifa 14 Android, but nothing to expose my modifications to anyone or distribute to third parties as a MOD to raise simaptias in other sites. I just want to redefine some graphics for personal entertainment purposes.
By the way ... The tool of our dear friend aLUIGI is very practical and very useful, congratulations! But let's get to the topic.

There is a great difficulty of imports in our editions and mainly in the case to Kits of teams. The work of the extensions .PVR to .FSH efficiently occurs for the .BIG, but when it comes to imports of the .BIG files from the uniform of each team to the main (Kits_etc.big ), generally works for a maximum of three teams with quality and in some Fifa14 modifications existing there sites, there are cases where the .Big import does not work for almost any team. I don't know if it's due to the game itself or some kind of inefficiency of Scripts-Fifa14 (FIFA 14 Obb & Big Extractor 2 / reimport.bat), considering that the tool in 90% of cases always reports overload.
Perhaps it is a problem of the game to create compressions in a terrible quality for the size to be so small. Would anyone know if this fault is common for Fifa, maybe it is in the origin and not in .Big, where .PVR textures (Encode: ETC 1) need a more improved program to further compress our textures to .FSH?

" 2nd QUESTION ( MAIN ) "
As for specific kits. Only among players do they work more effectively. I'm having trouble modifying goalkeeper kits (k2.fsh), considering that most of the time for only goalkeepers the modification presents error a double camouflage montage of the modified texture next to a black image (containing colored pixels). What would that be, Quickbms tool failure really, or would it be a problem from the root (.PVR edition)??

Another problem is that there are imports of textures for a single .Big file, in a given team, which after successfully reimported to .OBB, does not show running in the game for all the Kits of that team, it only works for a single kit and not for others also modified, which remain with the same standard of the game. The most ironic thing is that if you are to extract the .Big file, all the modified textures appear as if you were successful. Would that be a compatibility error for certain textures (.PVR) for each given kit (.FSH)?
* Edit: Resolution would be to first identify the .Big files by size, there are teams with only three kits: 0, 1 and 2, with a weight of 513KB that if used as an import base to be inserted in teams within the .OBB with embedded weight bigger (having more than 3 kits), the import may even work, but the kits within the game may not match in the right order between the team's uniforms or the modified texture may correspond to another unwanted competition. Always try to fully use the team's original (.Big) file.

I would also like to know if there is a modeler with a capacity to say more refined in Fifa android, to answer me if it is possible to alternate some coding or just entering the database file (\ data \ cmn \ data.db "kits_teams" k0, k1 , k2) , whether it would be possible to add random variations of uniforms for goalkeepers and players (a fourth uniform), which are not just alternative competitions uniforms, but which can switch to more than 3 for the same championship. As an example of the goalkeeper, who in most modern games randomly modify to different types of uniforms in each football match.

Would anyone know if there is any .OBB tool modifier that can be completely repackaged ( modifying all the size of the file to larger) after our edits? Whether by Hexadecimal or some other tool, it is not possible that modders from Fifa mobile 14 can modify so many textures just by compression in the same size for a game so difficult to work for most reimported files. Considering in Quickbms, there seems to be a huge limitation for reimports (maybe only with FIFA), because even with small changes, there is so much inefficiency and different types of failures even in the face of the simplest graphic changes.

Anyone who has experience and can bring any type of solution or suggestion for these problems, thank you.