Teen Titans PS2 (*.PS2)

Skeletons, animations, shaders, texturing, converting, fixing and anything else related to read game models
Doctor Loboto
Posts: 376
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 2:23 am

Teen Titans PS2 (*.PS2)

Post by Doctor Loboto »

I could have sworn we already did something with these before but I searched everywhere I could imagine and nothing turned up. I remember there being a blender script for them at some point but I can't find it anywhere else. These are models from the PS2 Teen Titans game. I'm pretty sure they contain the textures too. I need just standard OBJ's with PNGs or some other common image format. Can someone help me out with this?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/yftpxzdystpbt ... N.zip?dl=0
DJ Normality
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Re: Teen Titans PS2 (*.PS2)

Post by DJ Normality »

Well using a program i was able to find your .PS2 is all the texutres. Not sure in going about extracting these but I was able to spit them up by a hex editor. Maybe just by inserting a correct header ?
As for the model I couldn't find any algorithm in the file. So these files might still need decompressed.
Doctor Loboto
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Re: Teen Titans PS2 (*.PS2)

Post by Doctor Loboto »

Well, this game is also on Gamecube, maybe those files will be easier to access? Here's some samples from it, the same character.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zmrvdmcdneuck ... C.zip?dl=0
DJ Normality
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Re: Teen Titans PS2 (*.PS2)

Post by DJ Normality »

Yeah they are..
Layout of algorithm
Here is what I found
I was not able to find the faces. You can see there are breaks here though. So what you have to do if find where the vertex start for each face data. My offset is not correct for this one but it I reccomend saving the offset in a .txt file so you can just paste it back into the program when its time. You must find where each vertex start and end. Then you will know the exact UV/Vertex count.
UV's are correct aswell. Just need to find the correct counts.
Sorry I would help more but very busy today.
Doctor Loboto
Posts: 376
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 2:23 am

Re: Teen Titans PS2 (*.PS2)

Post by Doctor Loboto »

Well it's not like I have a deadline. I appreciate the help either way. Whenever you get a chance to look more into it is fine. I can be patient, haha.
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Re: Teen Titans PS2 (*.PS2)

Post by centralfrog1300 »

Hey i export the textures from trigon here I really want to help you with that :D