Hello guys! I returned to this game, in order to finish my model-import script for 3ds max. Unfortunately, script I used to extract yeti.big archive (where everything is stored), doesn't extract most of the files, just few % of entire archive. http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/bms/yeti_ybig.bms So, I'm kindly asking if someone could help me out with this, and extract all game files from .big archive. Thanks in advance! Here's the sample https://www.sendspace.com/file/apuwk4
Thanks a lot for looking into this Ekey That's a bit sad, since this game has nice content, weapons and armor customization. But at least we can get some models already:)
Yes, I'm sure From 2.55 gb yeti.big archive, script extracted a bit over 200 mb of files. Can't be right, also a lot of model missing, I imported all of extracted ones, and I saw much more in the game+ a lot of missing textures (for body parts/weapons didn't check environments)
Here's the message window after extraction if complete
The problem was caused by a referenced file not existent in the archive (not checked at 100% tbh), it has the OFFSET field set to 0xffffffff. I have updated the script to version 0.1.1a to skip these unexistent files.
Ah, Aluigi it's I thanking you so much! Working like a charm, thank you again, you're a lifesaver. Where's the "thanks" button goes? Now I can finish model-import part
I guess that the "Thanks for posts" mod of phpbb (the "thanks" button) will no longer return because it's still in development for phpbb 3.1 and doesn't seem compatible with subsilver2: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtop ... &t=2259046
zaramot wrote:Yes, I'm sure From 2.55 gb yeti.big archive, script extracted a bit over 200 mb of files. Can't be right, also a lot of model missing, I imported all of extracted ones, and I saw much more in the game+ a lot of missing textures (for body parts/weapons didn't check environments)
Here's the message window after extraction if complete
i have test the previous script ... i press always the A and obtain always 5 Go of datas .... if i use rename or others fonctions, yup we got only 200 mb ....