How to open .mod & .sig files?

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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How to open .mod & .sig files?

Post by KusanagiRuiz »

Hello again, I have doubts about how to extract the information from these files, specifically the .sig & .mod files, I was investigating and it seems that they are applications for a device or system called "BREW". These files were also roms for an extinct console called Zeebo.

I hope you can help me! Thank you

Action Hero 3D - Wild Dog & IMICRO3D (Brazil) (Es,Pt).zip
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Re: How to open .mod & .sig files?

Post by Asdfguy86 »

.sig and .mod are indeed BREW (Binary Runtime Enviroment for Wireless) files. BREW was a runtime binary deployed on a lot of CDMA feature phones (dumb phones), and competed with JavaME. back to the files themselves, .sig is the app signature, and .mod is the "Modular Binary File" (as BREW documentation calls it), aka the executable file. extraction usually varies between program to program, but you might have some luck using MultiExtractor to rip graphical assets out of the .mod file. its a paid program but you can find older cracked versions with relative ease.
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Re: How to open .mod & .sig files?

Post by LolHacksRule »

Depends on the game/software.