GRID Autosport - How I can modify game files

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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GRID Autosport - How I can modify game files

Post by Kickthacat »


Perhaps Im on the wrong forum, or wrong Subforum. I dont know, sorry! Im new here.

My person: Erik, 23, from germany.

What I want to do: Im playing the game GRID Autosport and I want to modify the AI, the real race pace of each difficulty that the game offers. Why? Because I want a difficulty between two difficultys that the game offers. So, after much time on Google, I didnt find a mod or something else for this. And here I am now.

Idea: decrypting the main files of the game (game.dat I think) and edit the difficulty manually.
I used the quickbms tool already to decrypt the above file, but what know? I dont know what to do with this decrypted file. With what I need to open it? Im absolutly new in this theme. I have programing experience, so understanding the source code should not be the problem.
