Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by LolHacksRule »

Cannot open these SAR files, not plain ZIP/7Z/RAR., they appear to contain all the game data. Offzip doesn't help.
Last edited by LolHacksRule on Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ekey »

Probably encrypted. Share apk or ipa.
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

Temporary script : viewtopic.php?p=38006#p38006
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by LolHacksRule »

Sorry about that, I think the APK is partially incomplete... But thanks anyway also sorry about this accidental repost on this game.
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

Do you have iOS version ?
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by LolHacksRule »

Err no, I focus only on Android. proper upload of APK split.
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

Nwm. I just found algorithm for decrypt. At the moment, I’m studying it how it works.
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

Well, there was a problem with decompressing data. Some files cannot be decompressed (95% of files :)). Always same error.

Code: Select all

Info:  algorithm   478
       offset      00000008
       input size  0x00000199 409
       output size 0x00000a6a 2666
       result      0xffffffe0 -32
Error: the uncompressed data (-32) is bigger than the allocated buffer (2666)
       It usually means that data is not compressed or uses another algorithm

I will tryed to use comtype scanner, but it didn’t give good results. Header of compressed files always start like:

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dwSignature -> ZSTD

PS: Files data decrypted correctly!

Example files is attached. Maybe someone can tell what the problem is? :)

Edited: I compiled ZSTD library from source's and tool give error like :

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Decoding error (36) : Dictionary mismatch

Edited2: Everything works fine on textures, but something is wrong on files like plaintext (json, lua, dat and etc..).

Some pics.
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

Okay, i solved this puzzle. A dictionary file is sometimes present in archives and named like:

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We can use it for decompress. Example decompress file with using zstd tool > loc\english\pc\locale.json

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zstd -D pkgcdict_pc.dat --decompress locale.json

We get normal unpacked data

Now the most important question: How can we use this dictionary to work in QuickBMS? :)

Edited: I tryed use dictionary like that but doesn't work. Bug? :?

Code: Select all

set DICTIONARY compressed ".....compressed_dict_here...."
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

I could not get QuickBMS to work with the dictionary, so I wrote my unpacking tool! Tested on

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Marvel Puzzle Quest (PC and Android)
SEGA Heroes: Match-3 RPG Quest (Android)

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    SARUnpacker <m_File> <m_OutputDirectory>

Code: Select all

    SARUnpacker D:\Android_BaseContent.sar D:\Unpacked\Android_BaseContent
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Re: Sega Heroes (Puzzler RPG) (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by LolHacksRule »

Thank you so much! Some JSON files aren't auto-double-decompressed and have ZSTD in the compressed data. There's also a new JSON binary data serializer used in newer versions, not asking how to break it but I'll see soon (looks tough), LBC files have two LuaJit files compiled in them with the exact same data. Also how would I repack them?

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LJ LBC data:

5bytes: Always F3 82 C8 A3 01, header
3bytes: zero
1byte: 20
3bytes: zero
1-3bytes: LuaJit binary size, data count above 255 uses 1-2 extra bytes in little endian.
1byte: zero
1-3bytes: Some data size? Filesize?, data count above 255 uses 1-2 extra bytes in little endian.
1byte: zero
1-3bytes: LuaJit binary size, data count above 255 uses 1-2 extra bytes in little endian.
9bytes: zero
beyond: LuaJit binary data, always repeated twice, idk why.
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Post by zeaofsuos »

Last edited by zeaofsuos on Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by billymays »

Sorry for the necropost, but I was wondering if Ekey (or someone else) could help with reconstructing a SAR. It should be theoretically simple, I want to reconstruct Android_ClientSettings.sar with contains just one file (a JSON), and I could probably even work from the SARUnpacker source if Ekey is willing to provide it. Like I said, it's just trying to repack a single file.
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Re: Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by plizard »

Hi, sorry for the necropost

First off, EKey's tool works wonderfully. However, I was wondering if anyone could help me understand why this all works, as I'm trying to get a better grasp of things.

From reading through it all, it seems like, quickBMS is first used to decompress the *.sar archive based on the bms script provided by aluigi. Afterwards, it seems like zstd is used to apply the dictionary key to the individual extracted items. My guess is the tool just encapsulates both steps? However, where I seem to be at a loss is why it seems to work with the pc_config.sar file. When I open it up in HxD, I don't see a ZSTD header, yet the tool seems to work on it just fine. Is there something that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

I'm a lazy ass, so if someone wants to make a packer, then I attach the source code :B
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Re: Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by plizard »

Hi Ekey,

Thanks for the source code! I'll try to take a look at it later. In the meantime, maybe you can help me with something. I tried running your tool on the latest updates, and got this error:

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Demiurge Studios SAR Unpacker
(c) 2019 Ekey (h4x0r) / v1.0.0.0

Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unknown frame descriptor
   at Zstandard.Net.ZstandardInterop.ThrowIfError(UIntPtr code)
   at Zstandard.Net.ZstandardStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
   at System.IO.Stream.InternalCopyTo(Stream destination, Int32 bufferSize)
   at System.IO.Stream.CopyTo(Stream destination)
   at SARUnpacker.Core.Compression.ZSTD.iDecompress(Byte[] lpSrcBuffer, Int32 dwZSize)
   at ????????.????????(String ?????T??, String ????????)
   at SARUnpacker.Program.Main(String[] args)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at CompressShell.Main(String[] args)

I'm not quite sure if they changed the way they did compression. I have the *.sar file uploaded here:

Thanks in advance
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Re: Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

Probably something has changed in the encryption. Where is this file from?
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Re: Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by plizard »

So the game goes through two different types of updates: a release update every two weeks, and a daily data push. This file came from the daily data push. When you run the game, it downloads the update files into your <user>/appdata/local/demiurge studios/marvel puzzle quest/data folder.

There was a release update yesterday, and your tool worked fine on that config file, but failed on the configUpdate file, where it's been working on in the past.
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Re: Sega Heroes/Marvel Puzzle Quest (ANDROID/ALLPLATS) *.SAR

Post by Ekey »

Well, problem in building encryption key

replace this line in Reader.cs

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string lpEncryptionKey = String.Format("{0}{1}", wBuildVersionMinor + wBuildVersionMajor, dwBuildChangeList);

to this

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string lpEncryptionKey = String.Format("{0}{1}", wBuildVersionMajor, dwBuildChangeList);