Script Help for Sega Ages 2500 Series, PS2

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Script Help for Sega Ages 2500 Series, PS2

Post by JVSAG »

Hello everyone,

I need some help to unzip and reimport the files of this collection in specific (SEGA AGES 2500 Vol 25), the script works perfectly for other collections, but in this does not work, I saw that the format of the files of this collection is different CCF instead of PAK.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Script Help for Sega Ages 2500 Series, PS2

Post by aluigi »

You should open a topic in the Game Archive section and upload one of these CCF files for analysis.
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Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:51 am

Re: Script Help for Sega Ages 2500 Series, PS2

Post by JVSAG »

OK, thank you!