Hello! I'm trying to extract the VOL archive from Godzilla Save The Earth for modding purposes. The file is normally about 671 MB but I used the File Cutter script because the file pretty much contains the entire game.
# extracts the GODZILLA.VOL from Godzilla: Save the Earth (PS2) # # written by AlphaTwentyThree of Zenhax # # script for QuickBMS http://quickbms.aluigi.org
idstring "PVOL" get UNK long get FILES long get DATASTART long xmath NAMEOFF "(0xc * FILES) + (4 * FILES) + 20" for i = 0 < FILES get OFFSET long get SIZE long get FID long savepos MYOFF goto NAMEOFF get NAME string savepos NAMEOFF goto MYOFF log NAME OFFSET SIZE next i
Can this script re-insert the files into the VOL file? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm kind of new to using QuickBMS scripts.
Btw, your script works with the vol file from Godzilla Unleashed PS2 as well. Interestingly Pipeworks left tons of unused music from the Wii version in the files.
EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw a topic about reimporting.