QuickBMS 0.10.1

News about new versions of QuickBMS
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Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:32 pm

QuickBMS 0.10.1

Post by aluigi »

  • added some few commands similar to 010 Editor
  • additional work-around for handling multiline strings
  • full support for float operations and visualization (get/put/math/print/calldll)
  • automatic fixing of ASIZE variables in reimport3
  • experimental unicode32/utf32 type
  • fix for rare FDSE issue in GUI mode
  • d3des and chacha20 encryption
  • improvements in tomcrypt support
  • fix for Encryption algorithm string
  • rotor default value is now 6
  • ZIP_AES now fully working
  • CallDLL Python
  • CallDLL Lua
  • fixed crash if no RET in Calldll
  • added some symbols (like printf) in calldll tcc
  • rare issue with multidimensional arrays
