Getting a list of the game engine functions

Programming related discussions related to game research
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Getting a list of the game engine functions

Post by regularMember »

I explored lua scripts in the game that uses Fox Engine and saw that engine functions are called from there. For example "Fox.GetPlatformName()" , "Fox.SetActMode( "EDIT" )" or "Fox.Log("Gr shader initialized.")".

So are there possible ways to get a list of the engine functions available? Maybe tracing of known functions will help to trace any other? I'm not a senior programmer, but maybe someone have any ideas?
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Re: Getting a list of the game engine functions

Post by atom0s »

If you have access to the Lua state, you can dump the entire global space. Everything normally exposed to Lua will be placed into _G in some manner which you can find examples of dumping to file online. In your examples there, you'd probably find the Fox related stuff in the _G.Fox table.
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Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:13 am

Re: Getting a list of the game engine functions

Post by Cybemmer »

atom0s wrote:If you have access to the Lua state, you can dump the entire global space. Everything normally exposed to Lua will be placed into _G in some manner which you can find examples of dumping to file online. In your examples there, you'd probably find the Fox related stuff in the _G.Fox table.

Thanks for the answer, I had the same question