Unpacking Wolfenstein Cyberpilot .resources

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Unpacking Wolfenstein Cyberpilot .resources

Post by Andrej »

Hello. I'm trying to use Wolfenstein.bms (v 0.3.1) for unpacking Wolfenstein Cyberpilot resource files. Cyberpilot has the same engine as Youngblood (Youngblood and Cyberpilot were released at the same date - so it's improbable that they've made big changes to resources structure) - so I assume that script that works for Youngblood will work for Cyberpilot.

The .resource file I was using is gameresources_pc.resources (you can have it here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZO98A ... Th5f6/view)

But it doesn't quite work - all exported files are corrupted and script ends with this error:

Code: Select all

Error: the script uses more array indexes (1279476809) than available (44680)
Last script line before the error or that produced the error:
  120 getarray STR1 0 TYPE_ID

I also have a lot of warning like those (does presence of them mean that script isn't working properly?):

Code: Select all

- it's not possible to create that file due to its filename or related
  incompatibilities (for example already exists a folder with that name), so
  now you must choose a new filename for saving it.
  if you press ENTER a new name will be generated automatically.
  - old: renderParm\lights\squarelight1.tga
  - new:

Code: Select all

- The following output file already exists:
  Do you want to overwrite it?
    y = overwrite (you can use also the 'o' key)
    n = skip (default, just press ENTER)
    a = overwrite all the files without asking
    r = automatically rename the files with the same name
    s = skip all the existent files without asking

Please help - much appreciated.
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Re: Unpacking Wolfenstein Cyberpilot .resources

Post by aluigi »

Currently I can only fix the first error.
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Re: Unpacking Wolfenstein Cyberpilot .resources

Post by Andrej »

aluigi wrote:Currently I can only fix the first error.

Please, fix it. Maybe then the unpacking won't stop too early and i'll be able to get some uncorrupted files.
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Re: Unpacking Wolfenstein Cyberpilot .resources

Post by aluigi »

In case someone is interested, I guess I already updated the script (honestly I don't remember) because I get no error with the provided sample using the current script