[Dissidia FF] Stuck on file decoding

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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[Dissidia FF] Stuck on file decoding

Post by yuzuramen »

Hello, I'm a newbie to any kind of datamining and I've been stuck figuring out how to decode a file from Dissidia FF Opera Omnia. I'm hoping that someone with more experience may have encountered a similar file format before, or at least has some clues to what it could be or how I can figure it out. It should contain some sort of char/enemy data, including UTF-8 encoded text. I've attached two versions of the file, one before and one after and update to the file. Any help, or even just pointers and ideas, would be really appreciated, here's what I found myself:

- They are archives containing multiple files. The header specifies the file sizes. Each file I've looked at contains 3 subfiles, let's call them 00, 01 and 02.
- 02 is an archive of the same type itself, containing dozens of smaller files, let's call these 02_XXX.
- 00 seems to contain some sort of table for 02. You can see that by looking at two versions of the same file (after an app update). Some files were added to 02, and the corresponding entries in 00 are shifted. I can't figure out the format for this part, but what's curious is that it contains lots of E703 (999) and 0F27 (9999) numbers. A large part of the file is just a combination of these numbers. I'm totally lost on what this could be.
- 01 I have no idea
- 02_XXX each has a _A2G0500 prefix. I don't know what's in here but it clearly contains some structure and this is probably where the acutal "data" is. There is a header with increasing numbers (offsets?) separated by 0x00000000, but I haven't been able to figure out what it points to.
- I don't know if anything here is encrypted, but none of the other game files I was able to decode were encrypted
- The data is likely not compressed, because this archive was already extracted from a compressed file
- Python code to decode the archive file: https://pastebin.com/5UVCEqMa
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Re: [Dissidia FF] Stuck on file decoding

Post by atom0s »

/new/._000 - Looks to be a metadata file, just holding attributes. These are commonly seen on macOS devices. Generally, these can hold a various amount of data in an attribute table setup, this file seems to only have 1, being the 'com.apple.lastuseddate#PS' tag. A project like this should probably be able to read this file, although it probably has nothing useful for your goals. ( https://github.com/hrbrmstr/xattrs )

/new/000 - Looks to be a table of entries, each entry being 136 bytes long.

/new/001 - Looks to be a table of entries, each entry being 96 bytes long.

Unsure what the 000 and 001 files are for though, hard to say since none of the data is really special/unique just looking at it. It's definitely entries for something but without seeing how the game is using it, hard to say what.
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Re: [Dissidia FF] Stuck on file decoding

Post by yuzuramen »

Thank you for looking at it. Yes, the 000 and 001 parts seem to be metadata, but I haven't figured out what exactly, and the actual "meat" of the data seems to be contained in the 002/* parts. These have a format that I am describing in viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12570, but I haven't made any progress decoding it.

Thanks a lot for the pointer to xattrs, I will check it out and see what it gives me. The file comes from an android device, but the same files are probably used for the iOS version, so that's a possibility.
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Re: [Dissidia FF] Stuck on file decoding

Post by flay »

Isn’t that file the motion for the char?
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Re: [Dissidia FF] Stuck on file decoding

Post by hearhellacopter »

I think I made some headway in this area but I don't see any readable data. Are you sure there's supposed to be text strings somewhere in here?
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Re: [Dissidia FF] Stuck on file decoding

Post by hearhellacopter »

You can use Cethleann's Swiss Army Knife to debundle the files.


You get g1a animation files, not text strings or char/enemy data.

Can view them with Joschka's Neosis model importer

https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php? ... 12f67a68b1