Rewrite .dat files

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:58 am

Rewrite .dat files

Post by Shadow_Galecross »

Hello fellow security researchers . I´m just starting to analyse data of Rewrite (Ps Vita) and I am heavilly lost.
From what I have read , I must search some headers with a Hex Editor (also , as the game is in Japanese , should I use one editor that supports Unicode?) and look for hints that leads me to a way of determining what type of file is it and what role does it fill in all the game structure.
I have compressed imgcg .dat files (obtained from one of your usefull BMS scripts) into a VeraCrypt volume (for not getting sued due to piracy) but I will also leave some files without prottection.
Could you be so kind to help me?

PD: The password of the veracrypt volume is "ZenhaxPassword" (without quotation) and the original game files can be downloaded from Nopaystation and then extracted with the known rfID (and then decrypted) Thank you very much!