Xenoblade Chronicles 3d: .tpl to .bclim & wii brfna to 3ds brfna

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3d: .tpl to .bclim & wii brfna to 3ds brfna

Post by giygas »

Xenoblade Chronicles 3d is a new 3DS game. (Also Original version is Wii game.)
I want to edit Xenoblade Chronicles 3d's font(.brfna, not bcfna) and 2D images (.tpl) due to the game's localization.

Last Week, I luckily found a source code that convert .tpl files to .bclim files at

And I managed to build TPL2BCLIM.exe.
But I overlooked it is impossible to return .bclim files to .tpl files with this program.

So, I extremely need somebody's help.

Can anyone make BCLIM2TPL.exe file or make a new quickbms script by linked c# script?

I will attach 3ds version's bannertexture.tpl file and Wii version's bannertexture.tpl file.

P.S. When you want to view .bclim file, use KuKKi.
(Also you can view .tpl file using various tools like BrawlBox)