Tale of Wuxia(resources.assets)

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
Posts: 157
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Tale of Wuxia(resources.assets)

Post by happyend »

Site Admin
Posts: 12984
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Re: Tale of Wuxia(resources.assets)

Post by aluigi »

Try to use signsrch on the game exe and probably it's an algorithm like tea or blowfish.
Posts: 176
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:58 pm

Re: Tale of Wuxia(resources.assets)

Post by Savage »

This is what signsrch detected

- open file "wuxia.exe"
- 11631104 bytes allocated
- load signatures
- open file c:\Program Files (x86)\Tale of Wuxia\signsrch.sig
- 3069 signatures in the database
the file loaded in memory is very big so the scanning may take many time
- start 4 threads
- start signatures scanning:

offset num description [bits.endian.size]
0041700c 1018 MD5 digest [32.le.272&]
0041702a 2053 RIPEMD-128 InitState [32.le.16&]
00526978 1036 SHA1 / SHA0 / RIPEMD-160 initialization [32.le.20&]
00589b26 1299 classical random incrementer 0x343FD 0x269EC3 [32.le.8&]
0062ce40 954 DES SPR SPtrans [32.le.2048]
00638544 876 SHA256 Initial hash value H (0x6a09e667UL) [32.le.32&]
00650140 874 SHA256 Hash constant words K (0x428a2f98) [32.le.256]
00650c00 878 Hash constant words K for SHA-384 and SHA-512 [64.le.640]
00658640 937 camellia [32.le.48&]
0065ab00 894 AES Rijndael S / ARIA S1 [..256]
0065af00 915 Rijndael rcon [32.be.40]
0065c180 895 AES Rijndael Si / ARIA X1 [..256]
00679b80 1051 Whirlpool rc [64.be.80]
006fd609 2249 TEA1_DS [32.le.4]
007eef69 948 DES [32.le.20&]
00854d96 3048 DMC compression [32.le.16&]
0089b7c0 681 CRC-32C (Castagnoli) [crc32.0x1edc6f41 le rev int_min.1024]
0089b7c0 688 CRC-32C (Castagnoli) [crc32.0x82f63b78 lenorev 1.1024]
008ce994 2600 LZMA compression [..24]
008d3c11 1038 padding used in hashing algorithms (0x80 0 ... 0) [..64]
0092d670 871 ACSS reverse sbox [..256]
0092d670 1963 FFT and FHT routines rv_tbl [..128]
0092fc10 2875 libavcodec ff_mjpeg_val_ac_luminance [..162]
0092fcc8 2876 libavcodec ff_mjpeg_val_ac_chrominance [..162]
0092fedd 2417 MBC2 [32.le.248&]
0092fee0 2418 MBC2 [32.be.248&]
0092ffc0 1115 Jpeg dct 14 bit aanscales [16.le.128]
00930b28 648 CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 [crc32.0xedb88320 lenorev 1.1024]
00930b28 641 CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 [crc32.0x04c11db7 le rev int_min.1024]
00930f28 129 Adler CRC32 (0x191b3141) [32.le.1024]
00931328 131 Adler CRC32 (0x01c26a37) [32.le.1024]
00931728 133 Adler CRC32 (0xb8bc6765) [32.le.1024]
00931b28 652 CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 [crc32.0xedb88320 benorev 1.1024]
00931b28 645 CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 [crc32.0x04c11db7 be rev int_min.1024]
00931f28 130 Adler CRC32 (0x191b3141) [32.be.1024]
00932328 132 Adler CRC32 (0x01c26a37) [32.be.1024]
00932728 134 Adler CRC32 (0xb8bc6765) [32.be.1024]
00932cb8 2289 zinflate_lengthStarts [16.le.58]
00932d38 2296 zinflate_distanceStarts [16.le.60]
00932db8 2294 zinflate_lengthExtraBits [32.le.116]
00932e40 2303 zinflate_distanceExtraBits [32.le.120]
00933400 1086 Zlib dist_code [..512]
00933600 1087 Zlib length_code [..256]
00933700 1089 Zlib base_length [32.le.116]
00933778 1091 Zlib base_dist [32.le.120]
009496b8 1996 rfc3548 Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet [..62]
009496b8 2005 B64EncodeTable [..64]
009599e0 639 CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 [crc32.0x04c11db7 lenorev int_min.1024]
009599e0 650 CRC-32-IEEE 802.3 [crc32.0xedb88320 le rev 1.1024]
0095a3c0 3038 unlzx table_three [32.le.64]
0095a3c0 1605 Generic bitmask table [32.le.128]
0095a3c4 2588 bitmask [32.le.128]
0095a434 3051 compression algorithm seen in the game DreamKiller [32.be.12&]
0095a437 3050 compression algorithm seen in the game DreamKiller [32.le.12&]
0095d2d0 1933 Vorbis FLOOR1_fromdB_LOOKUP [float.le.1024]
0097c0f8 839 ADPCM index table (step variation) [32.le.64]
0097c138 841 ima_adpcm step table [16.le.178]
0097e130 950 DES odd_parity [..256]
0097e250 951 DES semi weak keys [..96]
0097e2b0 952 DES skb [32.le.2048]
0097e330 2229 DES2_DS [32.le.128]
00990a98 971 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_192_SEED [..20]
00990b50 972 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_224_SEED [..20]
00990c20 973 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_384_SEED [..20]
00990d68 974 EC curve _EC_NIST_PRIME_521_SEED [..20]
00990f18 975 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_192V2_SEED [..20]
00990fd0 976 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_192V3_SEED [..20]
00991088 977 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_239V1_SEED [..20]
00991160 978 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_239V2_SEED [..20]
00991238 979 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_239V3_SEED [..20]
00991310 980 EC curve _EC_X9_62_PRIME_256V1_SEED [..20]
009913f8 981 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_112R1_SEED [..20]
00991470 982 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_112R2_SEED [..20]
009914e8 983 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_128R1_SEED [..20]
00991570 984 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_128R2_SEED [..20]
00991688 985 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_160R1_SEED [..20]
00991730 986 EC curve _EC_SECG_PRIME_160R2_SEED [..20]
00991bc0 987 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_113R1_SEED [..20]
00991c40 988 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_113R2_SEED [..20]
00991cc0 989 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_131R1_SEED [..20]
00991d50 990 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_131R2_SEED [..20]
00991f90 993 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_193R1_SEED [..20]
00992050 994 EC curve _EC_SECG_CHAR2_193R2_SEED [..20]
009921d8 995 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_233B_SEED [..20]
00992460 996 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_283B_SEED [..20]
009926a8 997 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_409B_SEED [..20]
009929c8 998 EC curve _EC_NIST_CHAR2_571B_SEED [..20]
00992ba0 999 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_163V1_SEED [..20]
00992c48 1000 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_163V2_SEED [..20]
00992cf0 1001 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_163V3_SEED [..20]
00992e38 1002 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_191V1_SEED [..20]
00992ef0 1003 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_191V2_SEED [..20]
00992fa8 1004 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_191V3_SEED [..20]
00993118 1005 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_239V1_SEED [..20]
009931f0 1006 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_239V2_SEED [..20]
009932c8 1007 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_239V3_SEED [..20]
00993588 1008 EC curve _EC_X9_62_CHAR2_359V1_SEED [..20]
009984e8 1009 ASCII to BIN table [..128]
00999220 2121 CAST128 / CAST256 sbox1 [32.le.1024]
00999220 2333 CAST_S [32.le.8192]
00999620 2123 CAST128 / CAST256 sbox2 [32.le.1024]
00999a20 2125 CAST128 / CAST256 sbox3 [32.le.1024]
00999e20 2127 CAST128 / CAST256 sbox4 [32.le.1024]
0099a220 2113 CAST128 sbox5 [32.le.1024]
0099a620 2115 CAST128 sbox6 [32.le.1024]
0099aa20 2117 CAST128 sbox7 [32.le.1024]
0099ae20 2119 CAST128 sbox8 [32.le.1024]
0099b250 2065 Haval init [32.le.32&]
0099b250 919 Blowfish bfp table [32.le.72]
0099b270 1054 Haval hash pass2 [32.le.128&]
0099b298 921 Blowfish ks0 table [32.le.1024]
0099b298 2335 Blowfish_s_init [32.le.4096]
0099b2f0 2067 Haval mc3 [32.le.128]
0099b350 2219 HAVAL2_DS [32.le.32]
0099b370 2069 Haval mc4 [32.le.128]
0099b3d0 2217 HAVAL1_DS [32.le.32]
0099b3f0 2071 Haval mc5 [32.le.128]
0099b698 923 Blowfish ks1 table [32.le.1024]
0099ba98 925 Blowfish ks2 table [32.le.1024]
0099be98 927 Blowfish ks3 table [32.le.1024]
0099c2c0 1021 RC2 skey key_table [..256]
0099c3c0 2152 seed_SS0 [32.le.1024]
0099c7c0 2154 seed_SS1 [32.le.1024]
0099cbc0 2156 seed_SS2 [32.le.1024]
0099cfc0 2158 seed_SS3 [32.le.1024]
0099dffa 1947 small prime numbers used in libgcrypt [16.le.1336]
009a0665 2079 Generic squared map [32.be.64]
009a0668 2078 Generic squared map [32.le.64]
009a06c0 1049 Whirlpool C0 table [64.be.2048]
009a06c0 2171 WHIRILPOOL_DS [64.be.64]
009b8d20 1563 libavcodec ff_zigzag_direct [..64]
009ba080 1994 power2 table [16.le.30]
009fd610 2545 anti-debug: IsDebuggerPresent [..17]
009fe334 1286 Windows CryptHashData [..14]
009fe35a 1284 Windows CryptCreateHash [..16]
009fe36c 1283 Windows CryptAcquireContext [..21]
009fe46c 1285 Windows CryptImportKey [..15]
00a13af0 892 AES Rijndael Logtable [..256]
00a13bf0 893 AES Rijndael Alogtable [..256]
00a13ef0 897 Rijndael Te0 (0xc66363a5U) [32.be.1024]
00a142f0 899 Rijndael Te1 (0xa5c66363U) [32.be.1024]
00a146f0 901 Rijndael Te2 (0x63a5c663U) [32.be.1024]
00a14af0 903 Rijndael Te3 (0x6363a5c6U) [32.be.1024]
00a14ef0 906 Rijndael Td0 (0x51f4a750U) [32.be.1024]
00a152f0 908 Rijndael Td1 (0x5051f4a7U) [32.be.1024]
00a156f0 910 Rijndael Td2 (0xa75051f4U) [32.be.1024]
00a15af0 912 Rijndael Td3 (0xf4a75051U) [32.be.1024]
00a17009 2414 Noekeon Nessie round [32.be.68]
00a1700c 2413 Noekeon Nessie round [32.le.68]
00a1a248 1801 mp3lib intwinbase [32.le.1028]
00a1b2d0 1800 mp3lib bandInfo [..2592]
00a1bcf0 1766 mp3lib huffman tab1 [16.le.14]
00a1bd00 1768 mp3lib huffman tab2 [16.le.34]
00a1bd24 1770 mp3lib huffman tab3 [16.le.34]
00a1bd48 1772 mp3lib huffman tab5 [16.le.62]
00a1bd88 1774 mp3lib huffman tab6 [16.le.62]
00a1bdc8 1776 mp3lib huffman tab7 [16.le.142]
00a1be58 1778 mp3lib huffman tab8 [16.le.142]
00a1bee8 1780 mp3lib huffman tab9 [16.le.142]
00a1bf78 1782 mp3lib huffman tab10 [16.le.254]
00a1c078 1784 mp3lib huffman tab11 [16.le.254]
00a1c178 1786 mp3lib huffman tab12 [16.le.254]
00a1c278 1788 mp3lib huffman tab13 [16.le.1022]
00a1c678 1790 mp3lib huffman tab15 [16.le.1022]
00a1ca78 1792 mp3lib huffman tab16 [16.le.1022]
00a1ce78 1794 mp3lib huffman tab24 [16.le.1022]
00a1d278 1796 mp3lib huffman tab_c0 [16.le.62]
00a1d2b8 1798 mp3lib huffman tab_c1 [16.le.62]
00a2697c 1039 SSL3 pad 1 and 2 [..96]

- 169 signatures found in the file in 6 seconds