Decrypt LUA scrpits (cocos2d-x game)

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Decrypt LUA scrpits (cocos2d-x game)

Post by azat4610 »

Hello. I'm truing decrypt LUA scrpits from cocos2dx game (for wiki)
Links to files of game: (cocos2dx external library)
example encrypted LUA-scripts (*.abc files)

My attempts:
1 - read code of "" in IDA PRO.
This library don't have mention "xxtea".
And i found function getEncyptedFileData. This function is not in the original source code of Cocos2d-x.
I think this function is related to decryption (since this function is called nearby with the variable "*.abc").
I can not understand the two lines in this function:

Code: Select all

v5 = (*(int (__fastcall **)(cocos2d::CCFileUtils *, const char *, const char *, unsigned int *))(*(_DWORD *)this + 16))(this, a2, "rb", &v26);

Code: Select all

v19 = (*(int (__cdecl **)(cocos2d::CCFileUtils *, _BYTE *))(*(_DWORD *)v21 + 24))(v21, v6);

Full HexRays Decompiled code:

Code: Select all

int __fastcall cocos2d::CCFileUtils::getEncryptedFileData(cocos2d::CCFileUtils *this, const char *a2, unsigned int *a3)
  cocos2d::CCFileUtils *v3; // r5
  const char *v4; // r4
  int v5; // r7
  _BYTE *v6; // r6
  _BYTE *v7; // r10
  signed int v8; // r0
  int v9; // r7
  int v10; // r11
  int v11; // r4
  bool v12; // r0
  int v13; // r5
  unsigned int v14; // r8
  _BYTE *v15; // r9
  int v16; // r7
  unsigned int v17; // r10
  signed int v18; // r3
  int v19; // r4
  int result; // r0
  cocos2d::CCFileUtils *v21; // [sp+8h] [bp-D0h]
  int v22; // [sp+18h] [bp-C0h]
  int v23; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-BCh]
  char v24; // [sp+20h] [bp-B8h]
  int v25; // [sp+24h] [bp-B4h]
  unsigned int v26; // [sp+28h] [bp-B0h]
  char s; // [sp+30h] [bp-A8h]
  int v28; // [sp+B0h] [bp-28h]

  v3 = this;
  v4 = a2;
  v26 = 0;
  v5 = (*(int (__fastcall **)(cocos2d::CCFileUtils *, const char *, const char *, unsigned int *))(*(_DWORD *)this + 16))(
  v6 = operator new[](v26);
  sub_546380(&v25, v4, (int)&v24);
  v7 = (_BYTE *)v5;
  v21 = v3;
  v8 = sub_5443DC(&v25, "/\\", 0xFFFFFFFF, -0xFFFFFFFE);
  if ( v8 == -1 )
    cocos2d::CCLog((cocos2d *)"cocos2d: ERROR: getEncryptedFileData: Invalid filename %s", v4);
    v19 = 0;
    sub_545E58((int)&v23, &v25, v8 + 1, -1u);
    sub_5440E4(&v25, &v23);
    sub_544A34((int *)(v23 - 12));
    v9 = 0;
    v10 = *(_DWORD *)(v25 - 12);
    while ( 1 )
      v11 = dword_5D57A0[v9];
      if ( v26 % dword_5D57A0[v9] )
      if ( ++v9 > 6 )
        v11 = 0;
    v12 = 0;
    v13 = v25;
    if ( v11 > 0 )
      v12 = 1;
    cc_assert_script_compatible(v12, "My file can't be that big!");
    if ( v11 <= 0 )
        "cocos2d-x assert",
        "%s function:%s line:%d",
    v14 = v26;
    v15 = v7;
    if ( v26 )
      v16 = 0;
      v17 = 0;
        v6[(signed int)v17 * (signed __int64)v11 % (unsigned __int64)v14] = *(_BYTE *)(v13 + v16) ^ v15[v17];
        v16 = (v16 + 1) % v10;
      while ( v17 < v14 );
    if ( v15 )
      operator delete[](v15);
    v18 = sub_5443DC(&v25, ".", 0xFFFFFFFF, 1u);
    if ( v18 != -1 )
      sub_545E58((int)&v22, &v25, 0, v18);
      sub_5440E4(&v25, &v22);
      sub_544A34((int *)(v22 - 12));
    sprintf(&s, "cocos2d: ERROR: Invalid filename %s", v25);
    v19 = (*(int (__cdecl **)(cocos2d::CCFileUtils *, _BYTE *))(*(_DWORD *)v21 + 24))(v21, v6);// Check this function. Function from CCFileUtils.
    operator delete[](v6);
  sub_544A34((int *)(v25 - 12));
  result = _stack_chk_guard - v28;
  if ( _stack_chk_guard == v28 )
    result = v19;
  return result;

2 - using quickbms +
Result: all output files are unreadable.

I hope you can help me. Thank you in advance.