Help to create a SatSolver

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Help to create a SatSolver

Post by Alpha1001 »

Hi, I've made this prototype using the Python to create a SatSolver, but I cannot to implement the functions. Someone can give a tip to begin the project?
Sorry for my bad english

Here the prototype:
def readInputs ():

inputs = []

return inputs

def readClauses (inputs):

clauses = []

return clauses

def readVariables(clauses):

variables = []

return variables

def readFormula ():

inputs = readInputs()

clauses = readClauses(inputs)

variables = readVariables(clauses)

result = { 'clauses':clauses,
'variables' :variables}

return result

def nextAssignment (currentAssignment)

nextAssignment = []

return nextAssignment

def doSolve(clauses, assignment):

isSat = False

while (( not isSat) and '''must check
whether this is the last assignment or
not''' ):

'''does this assignment satisfy the
formula? If so, make isSat true.

if not, get the next assignment and try

assignment = nextAssignment

result = { 'isSat' : isSat,
'satisfyingAssignment' : None }

if (isSat):

result[ 'satisfyingAssignment'] =

return result

def solve ():

formula = readFormula()

result = doSolve(formula[ 'clauses'],
formula[ 'variables' ])

return result