[Unreal Engine] Reimporting Without Tripping Detection

Extraction and unpacking of game archives and compression, encryption, obfuscation, decoding of unknown files
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[Unreal Engine] Reimporting Without Tripping Detection

Post by nnvt »

I've been modding a game pretty much ever since it came out. It's a UE4 game and I always used QuickBMS to reimport the files.

Unfortunately, the devs figured it out and upped their security. Reimporting should no longer work as either EAC or the game itself force closes after the loading screen. However, there is currently a bug where it will not crash if you change only a few files. It has something to do with how many chunks QuickBMS changes, the more chunks it changes the more likely the game is to crash. It seems to be capped at around 9-10.

There are some files that required lots of chunks to be changed and simply don't work anymore (they did in previous versions of the game). Even changing a single byte in the file makes the game crash. I was wondering if there was a way to somehow mask the changes or reduce the amount chunks that are changed.

An example:

Importing this file WILL work:

Code: Select all

< 0000000000000000 0          SummerCamp\Content\Characters\Counselors\Athlete\Athlete_Counselor.uexp
< 0000000010626049 1652       SummerCamp\Content\Characters\Counselors\Athlete\Athlete_Counselor.uexp

Importing this file WILL NOT work:

Code: Select all

< 0000000000000000 0          SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b2008b9 5673       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b201ee2 2780       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b2029be 4223       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b203a3d 3639       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b204874 3199       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b2054f3 3397       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b206238 3540       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp
< 000000000b20700c 2084       SummerCamp\Content\UI\Menu\FrontEnd\OfflinePlay\OfflinePlayMenuWidget.uexp

If the second file is imported, the game sees the changes and force closes. In the log file it reports:

Code: Select all

[2019.06.06-20.52.51:516][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2789/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0x18EE5079
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:516][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2790/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0xDCA1C590
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2848/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0x26548306
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2789/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0x18EE5079
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2789/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0x18EE5079
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2790/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0xDCA1C590
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2848/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0x26548306
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2789/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0x18EE5079
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak chunk signing mismatch on chunk [2790/134356]! Expected 0x29250C34, Received 0xDCA1C590
[2019.06.06-20.52.51:517][  0]LogPakFile: Warning: Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!

I tried reimport2 and a handful of other options but nothing seems to be working. Is there anything I can do to bypass this?
Posts: 81
Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:49 am

Re: [Unreal Engine] Reimporting Without Tripping Detection

Post by Tgames »

Have you been able to activate or replace Jason Part 8 with Jason X ?

I trying myself since 2 days, by editing files and inject them with QuickBMS Reimport 1.

But with no luck for now. I only get the face of Jason X working on lobby.

And you edit all uasset and uexp with a HxD Editor or you use a software ?