So I am currently working on a Call Of Duty: Fast File Compiler, and im at the stage where I am opening and decompressing the rawfiles ( then getting the strings from the decompressed data to then load in a text box.
current code
Code: Select all
rawfile rf = new rawfile();
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(ff._zone);
int pname = stream.ReadInt32();
rf.compSize = stream.ReadInt32();
rf.deflateSize = stream.ReadInt32();
int pdata = stream.ReadInt32();
if (pname == -1) = stream.ReadCString();
if (pdata == -1)
if (rf.compSize > 0) = ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(stream.ReadBytes(rf.compSize));
else = stream.ReadBytes(rf.deflateSize);
CodeBox1.Text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(;
Now the problem doesn't lie within how anything is being done like the decompressing or anything like that.
where the problem lies is my position in the Fast Files Zone.
The zone is just a header you get when decompressing the Fast File
the zone stores a bunch of asset files including rawfiles
so my question is. What would be the easiest way to get to the correct position in memory without lets say pattern searching. (currently by reading the zone in a memory stream it thinks im at the beginning of the header)