solve change offset problem

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solve change offset problem

Post by sharlatan »

Hi. how can i reimport file without change offset in script?
thanks all.
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Re: solve change offset problem

Post by aluigi »

The only solution is using reimport.bat, but your new files must have a size which is smaller/equal than the original files.

In fact it's not possible to use reimport2.bat here because the format uses sequential files.
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Re: solve change offset problem

Post by sharlatan »

thanks for answering. new file have equal size with original files but change the offset after reimport.
i want if possible repack file same original file information.
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Re: solve change offset problem

Post by aluigi »

Oh no, those are statistics information related to the last offset reached by the script. Ignore them.
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Re: solve change offset problem

Post by sharlatan »
