Recreate Original (Un)Packed File?

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Recreate Original (Un)Packed File?

Post by meeshu »

Is it possible to re-create original unpacked file from scratch (NOT re-importing), by using Quickbms and/or other tools?

If so, how please?

To make it clear. Say a resource file has been unpacked using Quickbms and/or other tools.
The contents of the unpacked file are then compressed using better file compressors.
The re-compressed file and any other associated files are further compressed to archive the original program.
The original program (and all associated files including the resource file) is deleted from the computer to save space.
When restoring original program, the program is de-compressed.
The associated resource file is also de-compressed.
The resource file is re-packed to it's original state using quickbms and/or other tools without the presence of the original packed resource file. <- this is what is wanted to be done.
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Re: Recreate Original (Un)Packed File?

Post by aluigi »

Rebuilding requires to write a tool from scratch and moreover requires to have ALL the fields of a format understood and being perfectly recreated.
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Re: Recreate Original (Un)Packed File?

Post by meeshu »


So it appears that creating software to (re)pack files fully is unlikely to happen any time soon here(?)
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Re: Recreate Original (Un)Packed File?

Post by aluigi »

Rebuilders are game specific.
You have not event specified what game and file format you are talking about.
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Re: Recreate Original (Un)Packed File?

Post by meeshu »

Yes, I'm aware that (re)packing files is dependent on what file format is being used by games.

Since Quickbms has quite a number of unpacking scripts already available, I thought that writing corresponding packing scripts wouldn't be too difficult(?)

No specific game in mind. This is just a general inquiry at this stage.