QuickBMS reimport function calculate wrong size (solved)

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QuickBMS reimport function calculate wrong size (solved)

Post by SoulPatrol »

QuickBMS can not recompress the files, as i read by searching this side.
now i search first, before i post...sorry :(

i wanted to reimport some 3d Models in Yakuza Kiwami 2.
To test the function i used the File i got from QuickBMS wen extracting, so no change or anything was made to the file.
But wen reimporting i got error Message the "original" File is bigger then it can be.

Here you can see, i try to import the same untached file i got extracted first:

The OldSize is correct calculated: 2637824 Byte
As the NewFile is unchanged it has the same Size: 2637824 Byte

If i use a 1.9mb file to test, i got same Error.
I can import files if the new File is around 1.2MB, all other Files show this Error.

Sorry for my bad english.
1. i extract Files with QuickBMS
2. i import same untached File with filesize show in error message as old size - but i can't because QuickBMS told me File is now bigger :shock:
3. testet with import v1 and import v2 (v2 make the gamefile bigger and game wont load)

Any explanation of this Problem ?
Thank you :)
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Re: QuickBMS reimport function calculate wrong size (solved)

Post by aluigi »

reimport2 is the only method that rewrites the size fields.
parc.bms is compatible with this mode.

The game doesn't load with the edited archive because there is a checksum field (fi_chkSum) which is probably checked by the game.
Quickbms can't set checksums because there are N different types of algorithms.
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Re: QuickBMS reimport function calculate wrong size (solved)

Post by SoulPatrol »

thanks a lot alugi for your answer.
im sorry, i was totaly new on that wen i asked :(
finaly i found a tool that did the job very well, hope it is allowed to post the link for other users:
https://github.com/Kaplas80/Translation ... ls/ParTool

keep up your good work on quickbms!
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Re: QuickBMS reimport function calculate wrong size (solved)

Post by aluigi »

Cool :)