Help with model swapping [RE2 Dante to V]

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Help with model swapping [RE2 Dante to V]

Post by yuratchkaaa »

Hi! I'm going to preface this with the fact that I have literally never ever tried to mod a game on my own. I don't have any experience. That being said, I was reading a tutorial online for how to model swap in Devil May Cry 5. Everything went smooth in the beginning, albeit a little confusing for me. I extracted the files using QuickBMS and a RE2 script (it's called i really don't know what else to call it). After that I may have messed up somewhere? But I was under the impression that all I had to do was replace the model I wanted to change with the model I wanted it to be (in this case Dante to V). However, after that I'm a bit lost? What do I do after that? The tutorial says to use reimport2.bat which sounds simple but when I open it quickbms requests a script to use? And then a place to extract it to?? Should I not be using quickbms to try and change the models? I tried using ReTools as well which was a lot easier but nothing works. I would honestly just download a mod to replace Dante's model with V's but I can't find any. Can someone help? Or tell me where I did something wrong? I'm sorry if I sound stupid. I am just stupid when it comes to things like this. Especially since this is my first attempt trying something this ambitious. But yea, if anyone could help me I'd really appreciate it! Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this kind of thing, I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. If you need any more info on what exactly I did, I'd be happy to tell you!